Thirty Four

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I woke up to Jack shaking me.

"Mark wants to go" he says, pulling me into his chest. I nodded, and sat up. He opened the car to see Mark, Nate, and Felix waiting.

"We're going in the front" they said. We nodded, and jumped into the back. Sarah and Dan were laughing, and I wondered why he was in the back with us, but whatever.

We rode a little bit before coming upon gates. We jumped out as Mark got out.

"Hi. I'm Brett" someone at the gate says. "Welcome to Nixton" he says. I furrowed my brows.

"Nixton?" I whispered. Jack shrugged, and grabbed my hand. I realized he's been really touchy feely lately, but I'm not complaining.

"We've been expecting you all" he smiled, and disappeared momentarily. Then, the gates opened, and I gasped. Buildings were everywhere. A huge pool was placed close to the gates, and kids were in it.

"We can gave Father Gale show you around" Brett smiles. Jacks face lit up, and hugged me. I was surprised.

"Jeez, Jack" I laughed, and hugged him back.

Jacks POV

I felt so happy. There was a priest. If Sophia said yes, we could officially get married. It would be amazing. I mean, even though she's young, and we haven't been together too long, I loved her a lot.

"Jack?" Sophie asks, tugging at my arm. "We're moving" she says, and hands me my bag. I smiled just looking at her.

We walked around until we came up on two houses.

"You can start unpacking, then we're having a party. It'd be amazing if y'all came" Dan says. I felt myself nod.

"We'll stay together" Mark says. We nodded, and headed into the house. "Alright, we'll stay down here in the living room" Mark says, and we all nodded.

We gathered all the blankets and pillows, and ran back downstairs. After every thing was set up, I noticed a calendar. A bunch of X's covered the days. It was February. February 14th. I pulled Sophia up into a hug, and kissed her.

"It's Valentine's Day!" I yelled, and she giggled.

"Happy Valentine's Day" she chuckles, and kissed my lips.

Today. I will propose. I'm putting all my worries aside, and just doing it.

"Alright, let's go" Felix says, adjusting a belt he just put on.

"Go...?" Sarah says.

"Go to the party" Rob says, and stands by Felix. They gave each other a look, and smirked. I swear, Felix and Rob have something going on that their not telling us. I smiled, and thought about tonight.

"Alright" I said, and looked at the set of clothes Pewds brought downstairs. I grabbed a nice shirt, and took my nasty one off, and threw it on the couch. I put the new one on, and looked at it. It looked slightly big on me, but oh well. "I'll back back. I gotta grab something" I say, and run upstairs.

I grabbed the rings, and the box. I put the one for her in the box, and mine in my pocket, along with the box.

When I got down, everyone but Sophia and Sarah were dressed. They ran upstairs momentarily, and came down a few minutes later wearing dresses. I bit my lip, and took her hand.

We all headed out, and to a house that had a lot of lights on.

Sophia's POV

We walked in, me holding Jack's hand.

There was music playing, and some people were dancing. A lot were standing around.

We walked in, and I saw Sarah walk up to me, and had a goofy grin on her face.

"Hi!" She says enthusiastically. I smiled.


"Do you think Dan will show up?" She asks. "I mean, we just got here and shit, but I don't see him" she adds, blushing. I smirked.

"You like him?"

"A-as a friend" She stuttered. I raised my eye brows.

"Mhmm." I hummed, and cocked my head. "Oh look, there's prince charming now" I smirked again, and pointed at the young British fellow. She smiled unintentionally, and turned that way.

"Nice talking to you!" She says, and runs over. I smirked, and looked for Jack.

He was talking to the one girl... Claire? I think that's her name. I felt a ping of jealousy, but brushed it off.

"Hey" I heard a voice say. I spun around to see Phil there. I smiled, and he held up a glass. "Drink?" He asks. I shrugged, and accepted it. "I'm Phil. Don't know if you -"

"Yea, I do. I'm Sophia" I say, and stick my free hand out. He shook it. "Are these any good? I've never had anything before.." I chuckled.

"Yes. I love these. Don't know what they're called, but they're pretty damn good" he says, laughing.

A slow song came on about thirty minutes of me and Phil talking. Mark walked over, and held his arm out.

"Wanna dance?" He asked. "In a friend way, of course" he says, and I nodded. Phil took my glass, and Mark led me onto the floor. He held me close, and we slowly started the waltz.

"Ya know, I didn't really get the chance to say this, but thanks" I chuckled.

"For what?" He asks.

"All that time ago. You coulda killed me, and you didn't" I said, leaning my head onto his chest gently. He smiled, and made us go a little more left.

"I'm happy I didn't. You make Jack so much happier.." he says, trailing off, but ending up continuing. "I've never seen him act the way he does around you, not even with his ex, Wiishu" he says. "And ya know, I didn't mean to come off as a jackass. I just felt so done with the world. With Ha- er, Jamie leaving, and my girlfriend and kid dying, everything made me numb..."

"I get it, Mark" I say, and stop our dancing. I hugged him, and he chuckled, hugging back.

"Hey, can I cut in?" I hear an Irish voice ask. I turned to see Jack standing there. Mark steps away, and Jack pulls me close to him.

"Long time no see" I said, remembering that small ping I had in my stomach. He chuckled.

"How was Phil?" He asked in a bittersweet tone.

"He's nice" I say, hoping to make him jealous.

"Cool..." he mummerd, and looked down at me. "I love you" he says, and kissed my cheek. I looked up at him, and smiled.

"I love you too, Jack" I said, felt him stop dancing.

"Can, we talk? Outside, I mean?" He asks, nervousness edging his voice. I nodded, and he led me outside.

We walked to the side of the house, and he took a deep breath.

"Look, I-I've never loved someone as much as I love you. And, I think I may love you a little too much.. I don't want you to be my girlfriend anymore, Sophia, I-"

"What?" My mouth fell open. "Jack, y-you're breaking up with me?" I said, tears swelling in my eyes. The porch light gave enough light, so I saw him shake his head.

"The opposite.." he says.

"But the opposite of breaking up is getting together, and we're not broken up"

"I don't want to break up with you" he says, and gets on one knee. I watched him pull a small box out, and open it. Inside was a ring. "I want to marry you"

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