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All I wanted to do was cry. Mark did  lie. And now he's gonna get Sean in trouble.

"Well, Mark. Thanks." Wade says. He steps up, and roughly grabs my arm, pushing his fingers down hard. I winced, and tried to pull away. Wade's smile grew, and he dug his fingers down harder. I gasped, and gripped onto Jacks sleeve.

"Don't fucking touch her!" Jack yells, smacking his hand away. Wade only chuckled.

Jack pulled me behind him, and pulled his gun out, pointing it at Wade's head.

"Do something, I dare you." He snaps. I pull my sleeve up to discover a big black and blue mark. It was kind of bleeding, but the blood was smeared.

"Mark will kill you as soon as you pull that trigger. Sean, I've been his friend longer. And, I'M not a traitor."

"You fuck, she killed him for a reason. He tried to rape her." Jack snaps. My face goes red. Marks face instantly becomes red.

Suddenly, Mark hits Wade upside the head with his gun. Wade quickly falls, and Mark catches him.

"Help me carry him." Mark grunted. Rob ran out, and helped Mark pull Wade down the stairs. Jack turned to me, his blue eyes fierce. At first I was scared, but he pulled me into a hug. I hugged back.

He pulled away, and looked at my arm.

"Tsk.." he makes a sound, and pulls me outta the closet. "Let me clean that up.." he says. I nod, and he walks into the next room. I followed, looking up. Why did I get connected with this group? I shouldn't have come here.. besides Jack, everything sucked. I couldn't even trust Mark anymore.

I looked at my knife for a moment. No. I wasn't going to do that. Never again.

"Ok, come here." Jack says. I walked over, and he grabbed my wrist lightly. A wet wash cloth touched the black and blue mark, and I winced. "Sorry." He says, and rubs my other shoulder with his free hand. I nodded, and he pressed down again. I sucked in air, and he says, "This is gonna bruise so badly."

"Jack, was Mark on Wade's side before he came in here...?" I asked, and he nodded.

"Wade's a douche." He says. I laughed, and nodded in agreement.

"He is.. I never thought he was before." I say. He sighed, and hugged me. Still the best hug ever.

"I really wanted to go see you... Wade wouldn't let me though.. I tried.. a lot." He tells me, and I hug back.

"I really wanted to see you.." I leaned my head onto his shoulder, and he sniffed. I looked to see him blinking away tears. "Sean, are you crying?" I asked. He looked down at me.

"Things set me off easily, ok?" He chuckled, and I smiled.

"Ok." I laughed. He pulled away, wiping his eyes.

"Lets go see Mark and Rob." He suggested. I nodded, and then his face brightened. "Never mind, I wanna show you something." He smiles, and grabs my hand, leading me to the stairway. I laugh, and follow him.

He leads me to a ladder, which has a door above it. He instantly started to climb it, and I followed.

He opened the door, and pulls himself out. He reaches for my hand, and I hastily reach for his. He pulls me up, and places his hand over my eyes.

"Come on.." he mummerd, leading me left. I grip his sweat shirt in a hard grasp, and allow him to lead me.

He eventually stopped, and pulled his hands off. I open my eyes, and look. I gasped, and felt Jack pull me closer, and dragged me to sit down.

The stars in the sky looked so amazing. And the moon was full, making it bright out.

"Woah.." I breathed, realizing we're on the roof. He smiles, kisses the top of my head, and looks up.

"Yea.. Woah.."

Almost Dead (A Jacksepticeye Fan Fiction) Where stories live. Discover now