Twenty Three

234 14 1

Marks POV



"Please.. Mark.."


"Help me.. dad.."

"I'm not your dad."

"Yea huh.. you're my family.."


"Help me.."

"I can't."

"P-please.. it hurts.."

"I'm sorry.."

"Please help.."

"I can't!"


I woke with a start, tears falling from my eyes. I groaned, and rubbed them away. I knew that dream all to well. I couldn't save her.

I saw sunlight pouring into the tent, and saw I was alone. Nobody else was with me. Well, I mean, Robert was, but everyone else was outside.

Then I heard voices outside. I recognized Jacks right away.

I stood up, and crawled out. Jack was cooking something over a fire with a stick, and Sophia was sitting down, leaning onto his side, her eyes clenched closed.

"Hey, Mark." Jack says. Sophia opens her eyes, and looks over at me.

"Hi.." she says, closing her eyes again.

"Does it hurt?" I ask. She nods. I looked at Jack. He looked nervous.

"Hey, Mark, uhh.. I was thinking, once Rob gets better, or.. not.. we need to go get everyone." I sucked in air. I.. I didn't want to go back.. I didn't want too risk Jack or anyone getting hurt.. "Mark..?" He asks. I took to long to answer.

"I-I don't know. They're friends.. but we would take a big risk by-"

"It doesn't matter.. we're all going to die at some point, why not at least try?" Sophia says, looking up at me weakly. It pained me to see how badly it must hurt.

But, she did have a great point. I sighed, and looked away. I was easily distracted by a rotter. It was eating something. I narrowed my eyes, and saw more then one.

"The fuck?" I breathed out, pulling my knife out and walking that way. Jack sighed, and pulled whatever he was cooking out from the fire.

There was a lot of rotters. They were scattered, but there was a lot.

"Fuck.." I breathed out. I scampered back to Jack and them, and put a finger to my lips. Jack cocked his head, and opened his mouth as to say something, but closed it moments later. "Rotters. We can't stay.." I trailed off. Getting Robert here was hard enough, so I don't wanna think about dragging him with us again.

Jack furrowed his eyebrows, and looked past me. I sighed, and walked over to the tent.

We started to pack. Well, me and Jack. Sophia stayed by the fire, and we packed the food and medical stuff.

"Ow.." Sophie winced as I helped her to her feet. "Pain killers are wearing off." She mummerd. I rubbed her back gently, and smiled sympathetically.

"I'll get more.." I told her, and sat he back down. I walked into the tent. "Hey Jack, do we have any pain killers left?" I asked him. He nodded, and handed me a bottle. I looked in. There was only two in the bottle. "Jack?" I said, shaking the bottle. "This is it?" He nods. I rolled my eyes.

"We need to get more." He says, and looks up at me. I nodded, and walked back out. "Do you have water?" He asked. I shook my head, and he handed me a water bottle. "Actually, I'll go give it to her." He says.

Jacks POV

I walked out, handed her stuff. She looked down.

"These are the last ones... sorry.." I said. She looked up, anger and confusion in her eyes.

"You said we had more." She says slowly. I shuffled my feet, and looked down.

"Uhh...  about that... I lied. I just wanted you to feel better! I-"

"Feel better?!" She stood up, slightly wincing. "Jack! Rob will need it more then me!" She yells. I sighed.

"You're my girlfriend, not him. And of course I'm gonna make you take some, because I love you." I snapped, running a hand through my now yellow hair. Her face softened, but she still looked kinda mad. I bit the inside of my cheek.

"You lied to me." she says.

"I want you to feel better. So take these two now, or I'll shove them down your goddamn throat." And I walked back into the tent with Mark.

Almost Dead (A Jacksepticeye Fan Fiction) Where stories live. Discover now