Chapter 7

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Sienna's POV

She opened her eyes carefully. After several hours of torture and immense pain, Sienna started to get weaker and weaker. Her body was aching everywhere and as she looked down at herself, she noticed the dried blood and deep cuts all over her stomach, arms and legs. She also counted several bruises because Two-Face goons also slapped and beat the shit out of her.

Cowards, she thought bitterly. They didn't even try to pick a fair fight by freeing her from her bonds.

But what was fair about this whole situation anyway?

Sienna missed J. God, she missed him so much. Whenever they used the electroshocks on her, she saw him flashing right before her eyes. She thought about him being mad as hell because he lost her in his own home. Sienna knew that J would do anything to find her. He would come for her someday. It was just a matter of time.

All of a sudden she heard footsteps behind her.

Then Two-Face came into her view.

"Fuckface," she hissed and he glared at her. "You still haven't learned some manners, huh?," he asked and trailed his finger down from her breasts to her stomach. Sienna gritted her teeth at the sensation. "Don't touch me!"

"You can't do anything about it, darling," chuckled Two-Face but stopped his movements as he reached the lower part of her body. "I do understand why the clown keeps you around."

"You know nothing!," she snapped.

"You're right," he muttered and his face suddenly constructed into anger. "BECAUSE YOU STILL DIDN'T SPILL OUT THE INFORMATION I NEED!"

"And I will never do that!," said Sienna but her voice was too weak to raise it. "Did it ever occur to you that I don't know a damn thing about J?"

Two-Face rolled his eyes. "You're sharing a bed with him. And you've been with him for the last four years. So you sure know something I could make use of."

"I told you that you'll never be able to break him," Sienna hissed and squinted her eyes at the man. But Two-Face only shook his head and smiled down at her. "I'll break him by breaking you."

"Why?," she suddenly asked, already getting tired from their conversation. "What did J do to you?" She really couldn't remember a thing that had happened in the past between J and Two-Face. Sienna obviously knew that her boyfriend had many enemies. But most of them wouldn't go to such lengths. They didn't even dare to piss him off. But Two-Face must follow a personal vendetta when he was ready to destroy J by all means. Sienna just didn't understand why he had chosen this path.

Two-Face faced away from her and she stared at his back, waiting for an answer. "That's none of your business," he finally said.

"It is!," she replied, getting angry now. "Considering the fact that you're only torturing me to punish J!"

He suddenly turned around to look at her. "HE KILLED THE LOVE OF MY LIFE!"

Sienna looked back at him, very unimpressed. "He killed many people. Maybe you could be a bit more specific?"

Two-Face clenched his jaw. "You really are so cold, aren't you?" She rolled her eyes at his question. "Get used to it."

He got closer to her again, grabbing her chin and forcing her to look up at him. "Your clown killed the woman I loved on one of his stupid heists. She was a a victim!," he yelled and then let go of her face so that she could answer him.

"Collateral damage," she muttered under her breath.

"SHE WAS JUST IN THE WRONG PLACE AT THE WRONG TIME!," shouted Two-Face which made Sienna look up at him again. "That wasn't J's fault!"

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