Chapter 40

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Klara's POV

Another night, another club but this time it didn't end up in the usual let's drive home and have sex.

"Get in the car" Griggs snapped at Klara.

"Are you really blaming this on me?" she asked.

Lately a few guys at the club seemed to take a liking to Klara and they tried to get a bit too close to her what had pissed her jealous boyfriend off to no ends, even though she didn't do anything, she wasn't even interested in them, plus she told them that she had a boyfriend. But Griggs didn't see this, he was still blinded by his own jealousy.

"I told them that I'm taken" she said.

Griggs still didn't respond until they were both sitting in the car. "I'm not discussing this with you here" he finally said what made Klara look at him sharply. "Fine" she snapped back. If he wanted to be so stubborn, then please. What happened, wasn't her fault. They talked to her and she made it clear enough that she wasn't interested before Griggs showed up being jealous as fuck.

The drive took them forty minutes, forty minutes spent in silence until they got home and the front door was shut behind Klara's still mad boyfriend. "Next time you better dress not that slutty."

Klara had already been half on her way to the stairs and the bedroom to sleep her anger away but she stopped dead in her movements as she heard his last comment. "What?" she asked and focused on him through narrowed eyes. "You heard me" he responded, still pissed.

"You think I'm dressed like a slut? You really do think that? And this comes from the man who likes me best in all of those slutty dresses. You even bought me this one! You are the one who wants me to dress as revealing as possible only to show me off like an accessory! You don't have the right to tell me that I look slutty, only because you get jealous that someone could steal me! And let me tell you I would never cheat on the man with whom I have a relationship I-!"


A burning pain suddenly filled the skin on Klara's right cheek before she looked at her boyfriend in disbelief, tears already forming into her eyes.

Did he just slap her?

Touching her burning cheek Klara shook her head slowly as if she couldn't believe what he just did and also Griggs didn't seem to recognize what happened till now. His facial expression changed from anger to remorse as he let his right hand sink with which he had slapped her. "Baby I'm sorry I didn't mean to-" he tried to say but Klara already ran upstairs and shut the bedroom door behind her with a loud bang before she let herself fall onto the bed, burrowing her face into several pillows which were catching her tears now.

How could he slap her?

She didn't do anything! She even tried to keep those men on distance before Griggs came to get her! And it wasn't her fault that he wanted her to dress more revealing, she didn't even look slutty in the dress that she was wearing now.

What would Sienna say if she could see her like this?

Thoughts of leaving Griggs and returning back to Gotham crossed her mind.

Klara wasn't a girl that would tolerate a man who would maybe slap her again. But it was just this one time ...

Whatever, he slapped her and only because she told the truth.

What should she do now?

He seemed to regret what he did, after he realized that he hurt her but was that enough?

Sienna wouldn't want Klara to stay with a man who slapped her even though it was just a mistake ... But was it really just a mistake?

Could she for sure tell that he wouldn't do it again?

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