Chapter 32

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Klara's POV

It was late in the evening when Klara was sitting in front of an half empty liquor bottle, it was dead silent in the house the only thing that interrupted this awful silence was her own sobbing and crying.

She didn't know how it started anymore, she was way too drunk by now to remember when she started crying, she only knew that it started because she was alone and she had to think of Sienna a lot lately.

She missed her, she missed her best friend so much but every time Klara wanted to call her, she put the telephone down again because she was so damn scared that Sienna would yell at her and hate her for disappearing without even saying goodbye.

Klara loved her new life, but only when she wasn't alone.

Griggs was still at work, running the nightshift at the Chicago prison, he was the Captain after all and had to look after everything before he could go home.

Whenever Klara was alone like this her thoughts kept killing her mind, she missed Sienna, she missed Gotham and she even missed Frost ...

She didn't want to think about him but still she couldn't avoid it, her heart was still broken and she knew it would probably never heal. She loved him too much. He was her first love, her first real love ...

Closing her eyes Klara tried to focus on Sienna and not on Frost but the pain didn't end no matter of whom of those two she thought.

Looking at the clock in the living room she silently begged for her new boyfriend to come home, so that he could make her forget all those thoughts for a few hours like always.

Klara wanted to see Sienna and talk and apologize to her for disappearing but that would mean she also had to see Frost and the pain of looking into the face of the man that broke her heart was even more painful than being away from them all.

Actually she thought the alcohol would numb the pain but it only made it worse, she needed Griggs as well to be successful in forgetting her old life. Only he could give her that feeling of being loved and admired and in combination with alcohol it was the perfect mixture to numb everything, from the thoughts to the pain.

Frost's POV

After talking to Sienna Frost felt a tad better finally he could talk to someone about Klara but he also felt weaker than before. Even working till he would fell into his bed dead tired didn't help anymore. She appeared on his mind every day, whatever he was doing and in the nights she either kept him awake or he dreamed of her and how it would be if he had responded her love confession towards him. They would be happy now, they probably would share his bed as well no matter if Mr J was against their relationship or not.

Somewhere around midnight Frost woke up from another dream, a dream that felt so god damn real ...

She came back to him because she missed him too much and he told her that he felt so sorry after she left and that he loved her of course, in the end they spent their night only cuddling in Frost's bed.

It had felt so real that Frost woke up in the hope she would lay beside him but all he saw was an empty bed and the photograph of her that was lying on his nightstand now. Looking into the darkness of the room he suddenly took his phone from the nightstand and let his eyes rest onto her number. He knew she probably changed it so that he wouldn't be able to call or find her, she always did that when she didn't want to get found but even though it was useless Frost couldn't help but typing a message to her.

A message that she would probably never read but he already came to a point where it didn't matter anymore.

He only wanted her back and he needed to write that.

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