Chapter 38

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Frost's POV

Another month passed and today Mr J had forced Frost to go shopping with him since Sienna's birthday would take place tomorrow. Mr J's plan seemed to be to buy his girlfriend a lot of baby clothes and stuff but the problem with it was that his taste in fashion was not really meant to be for babies. So Frost had to watch how Mr J bought a lot of baby jumpers in purple and green and a few in pink with superscripts like: Daddy's little Monster or Daddy's little Girl.

Literally everything that Mr J bought after scaring the sales managers to death with his appearance read something with Daddy but there was nothing that would fit for Sienna as well, since she was the mother after all.

But Mr J didn't seem to care about this.

Frost knew that even if he would've said something Mr J wouldn't listen to him anyways also since he could think Frost's opinion was as welcome as the last words of the sales woman that Mr J had shot down an hour ago in the last baby shop.

"Frost you'll go buy the rest I'm tired" Mr J suddenly said and handed Frost even the smallest bag he at least had carried for five minutes. "Uhm boss I-"

Frost tried to explain that he actually didn't even know what exactly he should buy her until Mr J handed him a list as well. "Hurry up I'm waiting at the car" his boss said before he finally left his right henchman with all the other bags in his hands.

Frost sighed and looked the list up and down.

Great How should he know which kind of baby dress Sienna would want?

A few minutes he said down on a bench thinking about how he should do all this until a thought crossed his mind. Klara would've loved to go shopping for Sienna ...

Maybe he just had to pretend how it would be to go shopping with her.

Klara always would choose the right things and he still knew what she would've liked to buy Sienna. If she only could've been here now ...

But all that hoping and begging brought Frost nowhere now, he had to hurry up otherwise Mr J would shoot him right away. And as Frost went to the other stores in the mall as well it suddenly felt as if she really was there. As if she never left, as if she was so close even though she wasn't.

Frost was so into his thoughts that he only realized that she wasn't there after he caught himself as he turned around to show her which dress he just found.

From that moment on he guessed it was enough shopping for today.

His mood was down and it got even worse as he passed one of the last fashion stores close to the main entrance of the mall in which a mannequin with red curly hair and a black dress stood. A knot formed into his throat again and he thought about that one night when he saw her at this club, so happy ... with this other man, not with him, with someone else.

God damn he wanted her back, so bad.

Why the hell had he been such a stubborn idiot?

He could've had it all and he ruined it.

I love you, I'm sorry, please come back.

"What are ya looking at?"

Frost nearly dropped the bags he held in his hands as Mr J's voice sounded from behind him directly at his ear.

His voice wasn't mad, it was curious but still having his boss so near at his side creeped him out to no ends.

"Nothing boss just-"

"Don't tell me you're still not over the little pain in the ass?" Mr J asked as he recognized the similarities between the mannequin and Klara.

"We're done here" was all Frost said before they finally drove home to prepare Sienna's birthday.

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