Chapter 13

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Sienna's POV

It was late at night but she still couldn't sleep. This day had been horrible for her and her thoughts kept her from falling asleep. At first Sienna had been slapped by her so called boyfriend because he wanted to bring her memories back and then he tortured a man who seemed to be involved in her own kidnapping but Sienna gladly passed out as she saw the horrendous scene before her eyes.

She knew that Mr J was in the living room at the moment, probably already being asleep. But that thought didn't calm her down. Sienna felt uncomfortable without Klara around her. The girl was the only person who seemed to care about her after all. Sienna knew that Klara would never hurt her and she could rely on her help. But she wasn't here at the moment. Sienna was all alone with Mr J and this was also one of the reasons why she couldn't fall asleep.

Sienna rolled on on her other side and faced the door with her back. She closed her eyes again and wanted nothing more than to fall asleep already but she always caught herself how she listened for any kind of noises coming from the living room.

But it was awfully quiet.

Maybe that was a good sign?

The sudden opening of the bedroom doors interrupted her thoughts. Her body immediately tensed up as she heard footsteps coming towards her. But she didn't dare to face him. Sienna shut her eyes close and pretended to be fast asleep.

She felt how he pulled the covers away and then got slowly in bed next to her. Sienna was so scared that tears started to well up in her eyes. Please, just go away...

"I know that you're not asleep, doll," she heard him say. But Sienna didn't turn around. A few tears were now streaming down her face and she quickly wiped them away. She didn't want to cry in front of him. Not again.

"What are you doing here?," she asked with a quiet voice. Sienna didn't understand why he just couldn't let her alone. It was obvious that she feared him but he still didn't seem to care about her feelings. Mr J was a selfish jerk who only ever thought of himself. It was a mystery for Sienna how she could fall in love with this man in the first place.

"I can't sleep," he whispered and got closer to her. "without you."

He suddenly wrapped his arms around her from behind and pulled her close to his chest. Sienna felt that he was shirtless and immediately started to blush. She couldn't deny that he in fact had a really good body.

His hot breath was right against her ear and Sienna tried everything to relax in his arms but she was nervous as hell. Mr J seemed to notice that and slid his hand under her shirt to rub small circles on her tummy.

That actually felt very nice, she thought and didn't even realize how her eyelids got heavier until she closed them completely. She knew that he was also falling asleep when his movements stopped.

Sienna didn't know what she should think about him now. This man confused her to no ends and made her feel so many things at the same time. But she couldn't deny the feeling of safety and protectiveness that she seemed to find his embrace.

This was so weird.

He had scared her to death just a few hours ago and now she was feeling like this?

Maybe he tried to approach her in a different way now.


Sienna woke up the next morning still being held by Mr J. She turned her head and noticed that he was still fast asleep. He looked so peaceful...

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