Chapter 81

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Sienna's POV

The moment they arrived home, Sienna went straight towards the bathroom. The door was open and she quickly got inside, looking around for Klara. Her friend was sitting on the cold floor, being held by Frost who tried to comfort her. Klara was sobbing at his shoulder, clutching his dress shirt while Frost whispered something in her ear, rubbing her back gently.

"Klara," Sienna whispered and sat down beside her, patting her shoulder. The young girl looked up at her with red and puffy eyes. Sienna didn't hesitate to pull her into a hug. "Frost told me everything. Don't worry, you'll get your revenge," she said and Klara looked at her with a surprised look on her face. "Really?," she asked weakly.

Sienna nodded. "Yes."

"What about Mr J?"

"I don't give a fuck." J suddenly appeared in the doorframe, looking down at them all. He locked eyes with Sienna for a moment before speaking up again: "You can do whatever you want with them when my deal is over."

Klara stopped crying, wiping her tears away. It was obvious that she was surprised by J's words. The young girl shared a look with Sienna who only nodded her head to make her understand that J wasn't lying. Klara's gaze traveled back to J. "Thank you, Mr J," she said and he just rolled his eyes, leaving the bathroom.

"Come on," Sienna said and helped Klara to get up. Frost also supported his girlfriend, putting his hand on her back and taking her hand gently. "Better?," asked Sienna and Klara slowly nodded, putting a strand of her red hair behind her ear. "'s just...," she began and took a deep breath. "All of those memories came suddenly back when I found out who these men are..." Sienna noticed that she was close to crying again. "Do you want to talk about it?"

Klara immediately shook her head. "No, I—I can't do that yet..."

Sienna smiled slightly. "It's okay. You don't have to."

They made their way back into the hallway and headed towards to the living room. Sienna saw her boyfriend coming out of their daughter's room and she looked at him. "Is Maisie asleep?," she asked and he nodded, coming over to her while Frost and Klara took a seat on the large leather couch. Sienna sat down besides Klara as well, handing her a pair of tissues while J remained standing in the corner, crossing his arms over his chest. Sienna knew that this wasn't how J would have liked the evening to end.

"When and where will the deal take place, boss?," asked Frost and looked over at him. J narrowed his eyes at his henchman. "Next Friday, 11pm at the Gotham River," he said. "I want you to be there when the weapons are delivered. You can take her with you then," J pointed at Klara who sat next to Frost. She looked up at her boss as well. "You won't come with us?," she asked. J shook his head. "I don't wanna get into the crossfire," he replied and locked eyes with Sienna. She smiled slightly at him. Sienna was relieved to hear that from him. It showed her that J indeed took care of himself because his life had a real purpose now since their daughter had been born. He didn't want to miss her growing up after all.

"How was it with Maisie?," Sienna suddenly asked to distract Klara a bit from her current thoughts. A little smile formed in the corner of her mouth, to Sienna's big surprise. "She said my name," Klara replied, smiling at Sienna warmly.

"Really?," Sienna asked and smiled back at her.

Klara nodded. "Yes, she never did that before. I'm so happy that she can say my name now!," she said and looked at Frost who returned her smile easily.

"That's wonderful," said Sienna while J only growled. She shot him a glare before getting to her feet, taking J's hand. "Let's go to bed now. We all need a bit of rest," she said and noticed Klara and Frost nodding their heads. But J protested: "I'm not tired, doll."

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