Chapter 80

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Klara's POV

"Shhh, it's okay, sweetie don't cry. Mummy and daddy will be back soon" Klara said, trying to calm Maisie down. The little one was still struggling in her arms but soon stopped it after Klara started to sing to her with a silent voice. It was a song that her own mother had sung for her when she was a little child as well. She had called it Baby's Lullaby.

Maisie eyed Klara with a mesmerized look on her cute little face, as she started to listen to her soft voice. "Sweet little child don't be afraid, keep your smile and try to be brave ..." And while Klara was singing, Frost was listening even as close as Maisie, smiling because he never heard something that beautiful before.

"What is it?" she asked, smiling at him as well, after she recognized the looks he gave her.

"That's beautiful, where did you learn this?" he asked, coming over to them and patting Maisie's head. "My mum sung this to me, when I was little, this always kept me away from being sad or afraid. She had her own amazing way to take fear away from me" Klara responded.

"She must've been a very impressive woman" Frost said.

Klara looked up to him and gave him a sad smile. "Yes, she was ... I always wanted to be just like her, when I was a kid. She was so brave and she had done everything to keep me safe even though she had a lot of problems with the law I mean ... she wasn't different than we are now. And my dad ... he had taught me how to use a gun and how to defend myself properly if I should get into trouble someday."

"You really miss them a lot, don't you?" Frost asked.

"Yes ... there had never been a day on which I didn't miss them. I wish they could see me now, and how happy you're making me" she said.

"I'm sure they do" he said, kissing her cheek softly.

Klara nodded her head, touched by his words. She knew that Frost never had been a man who believed in god or heaven after death but that he was still trying to make her feel better by saying this, really made her recognize how precious this man was for her.

"Hey, would you mind taking care of Maisie for a while? It's my first day back in business again today and Mr J wanted me to take a look at the records of his new business partners."

"Of course not" Frost said, taking Maisie into his arms carefully. "Tree" the little one said and immediately wrapped her tiny arms around his neck, but as soon as she was realizing that Klara was about to leave as well she started to struggle again and reached her arms out for her to return.


The young girl with the red curls suddenly turned around in surprise. "Did she just say my name?" she asked Frost completely overwhelmed.

"Yes she did" Frost said, giving her a wide smile.

"Aww, you sweet little angel" Klara said and came back to Maisie to give her a soft kiss on her cheek. The little one giggled and started to play with her red curls, like always since Klara had returned back to the penthouse. Maisie had been fascinated by her hair color straight from the start. "Klara ..." she muttered.

"Listen, sweetie I have a bit of work to do now, would you mind staying with Frost until I'm back?" Klara asked and Maisie nodded her head even though she knew that Maisie probably couldn't really understand what she meant with that. "I'll be right back, okay? Don't cry" Klara said before she could finally make her way to the little office down the hallway where her and Frost's room was.

Sienna had told Mr J that she may need a little office where she could start working for him again, since he wouldn't appreciate her being far away from the penthouse. He wanted to keep an eye on his workers even though Klara knew that Mr J would make an exception for her since he didn't want her to return anyway.

Klara's office included several high quality computer screens on the walls and three computers on her desk which were all running with the newest technology, the room was illuminated with blue and pink lights but apart from that everything in here was reminding of a darkroom.

"Well then let's take a look at you, guys ..." Klara said as she opened her old system in which the GCPD could find more criminal records than they had been collecting over the last twenty years.

Raphael Santiago and Roman Cirk.

At first nothing about them seemed suspicious at all, besides the fact that they were reckless criminals and one of them even had been arrested because of sexual harassment but things changed within one mouse click as Klara saw the pictures the police took of them when they got arrested a few years ago. Those faces ...

Klara could never forget those faces ...

Clenching her fists so hard that her nails were already digging into her skin, she looked at the photos with pure hate in her tear filled eyes. She finally found them ... the murderer of her parents.

She had always questioned herself what will happen, if she would see their ugly faces for a second time, and now she knew it ...



It was cold in the small wardrobe where the little girl with the red curls was hiding. Her parents had told her to stay there until the men were gone, but meanwhile Klara could tell they would not leave until they had what they wanted: Her parent's death.

The fourteen year old girl was holding her ears shut to avoid hearing her mother's screams, while her dad was begging the men - who just started to rape and torture her - to stop. Klara had closed her eyes a few minutes ago, she couldn't look at what was happening outside her hiding place for another second. It was too much.

Silent tears ran down her cheeks while she tightened the pressure on her ears but she could still hear her mother screaming, over and over again, until two gunshots broke the loud voices of her parents and everything was suddenly awfully quiet.

Klara didn't dare to move or put her hands away from her ears, she stayed where she was, holding the teddy bear that her mum gifted her to her third birthday tight against her chest, letting all of her tears fall.

The memories of what had happened this night were still freshly engraved in her head. She would never forget the minute in which she had finally decided to leave the wardrobe in the hallway only to see her parents dead in the living room. Her dad was tied to a chair and got beaten up incredibly bad before one of the men shot him in the head and her mother was lying on the old red couch, half naked, with ripped off clothes and a bullet right through her heart, but the worst had been the word that one of those bastards had cut into her bare back with a knife. Whore.

A loud scream followed after thinking of this again. Klara was throwing her whole equipment through her room, crying because of the fury and the pain that had hit her again after thinking of this.

Sinking down at the door of her room, she could hear footsteps coming along the hallway. Frost probably heard her screaming. But even the thought of him didn't calm her down this time, her breathing was still heavy and all she could think of was blood, blood and revenge.

She wanted to let them suffer for what they did, so bad.

"Klara? What's wrong? I heard you screaming" Frost's voice sounded from outside the room. He was knocking against the door but Klara didn't make any attempts to open it for him. She was still drowned in her own thoughts.

"They killed them ..." she whispered, not knowing if Frost would hear her.

"What? I can't understand what you're saying, please open the door for me, baby" Frost said, his voice sounding utterly worried.

"They killed them! THEY KILLED MY PARENTS! AND I WON'T REST UNTIL THEY'RE DEAD AS WELL I'LL MAKE THEM SUFFER FOR EVERYTHING!" she screamed. Her mind was a total mess she didn't know if she should cry, be sad or, furious or just sit here and mourn her parent's death.

"Klara, what are you talking about, please let me in!"

"I've seen their faces, these were the same men who killed my parents" she sobbed.

"You mean the men with whom Mr J is meeting up at the moment?" It wasn't really a question it was an assessment. "Klara, please open the door for me."

But Klara still didn't listen. She only wanted her revenge, nothing more ...

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