Chapter 50

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Frost's POV

Frost's night was short, he had to take care of Maisie the night before until three in the morning and just five hours later the crying of the little one was the first thing to which he woke up. He didn't know if he was supposed to get up now or if Sienna or Mr J would take care of her, what means for him to get dressed as well and taking a look at his phone. Either Mr J or Sienna texted or called him and the crying of Maisie suddenly became silent.

Frowning he made his way up to the penthouse and looked if everything was alright but what he saw now clearly was the most unbelievable thing ever.

Mr J was already up and not only that. He was smiling widely as he recognized Frost standing in the living room while the Joker himself carried his little daughter in his arms. "Morning Frost, how did ya sleep?" his boss asked and Frost felt as if he was a guest in a very strange movie.

"Good, boss, thanks ..." he answered even though it wasn't quite the truth. He didn't sleep well like always since one person was missing beside him when he got to sleep but he wouldn't dare to answer Mr J's question with No, especially not when he couldn't tell what was the reason for his scary good mood. Maybe Mr J thought Frost wasn't useful for him anymore and wanted to kill him ...

It would fit since committing a murder always made his boss happy.

"Listen we don't have much to do today so I guess it would be okay if you can go earlier, but don't get used to it" Mr J suddenly said, still carrying his daughter around whilst making himself a coffee. He didn't even yell at Frost that he should make him coffee ...

And since when was Frost allowed to go earlier?

That never happened in nearly fifteen years of working for the Clown Prince of Crime.

Maybe this was a trap and Mr J really had planned to shoot Frost somewhere in a lonely street.

"Are you sure ...?" Frost asked as if he wanted to prove that something here was totally wrong.

"Do I look unsure?" Mr J suddenly snapped back at him before the big smile returned to his face.

"No boss" Frost responded.

What sick game was he playing this time?

But before Frost could think about this question further the doors of the master bedroom were opened up again and Sienna walked over to Mr J and her little daughter in his arms, giving them both a kiss. "Good morning" she smiled at everyone and by the way she looked Frost finally knew why Mr J was in such a good mood. Her hair was messy and she was only dressed in a nightgown.


At least his boss didn't want to kill him.

"Frost, you look tired. You could've slept a little longer, there isn't much to do today" Sienna said, handing him a cup of coffee. Frost shared a look with his boss and Mr J nodded while Maisie was making some really cute noises in his arms.

Thanks for telling me that early ...

"I told him he can go earlier today" Mr J responded to Sienna.

"Oh really? That's sweet of you, J" she said, smiling at him.

"I know, doll" Mr J said as if this was an obvious fact.

But this time Frost was hella relieved that he really seemed to mean this serious because Frost really could need this free time to work on finding Klara. He knew that this wouldn't be very easy since Klara was a master mind what belongs to changing identities and leaving places without a trace that could be followed back to her but no matter how long it would take him to find her, it would be worth the time. He needed her back and he wouldn't give up until she was back where she belongs, at his side in the penthouse, and reunited with Sienna as well.

Frost didn't know what Sienna would think about Klara returning home but that didn't matter to him, what matters was that she had to find her way back.

Later this afternoon, Mr J held his promise and let Frost leave way earlier than usual. And without wasting any time he got back into his room and opened up his laptop. The first location he would suss out was that club outside of the city in which he had seen her a few months ago. He knew that this trace was old and probably as cold as staled soup but to be true he didn't have much indications and on the inside he cursed himself for not recording the license plate number of her stupid boyfriend. He felt like throwing up whenever he saw this guy touching Klara before his inner eye. How he kissed her, how he carried her to his car ...

A hot wave of rage filled up his body and he wished he would've gotten out of this car back then and punched that fucker to death for touching his girlfriend. But would Klara have appreciated that? She seemed happy ...

What if she was in love with this guy?

No she wasn't in love with him, she couldn't be ... not with him.

Klara's POV

The day was more quiet than usual and Klara spent a lot of her time today dealing with her own thoughts that tried to take over her again, like always when she was home alone and Griggs was at work. That article in the newspaper was still spinning through her mind and every time she thought about Sienna or Frost the pain in her heart that told her that she was missing them grew stronger. She missed her best friend and she cursed herself for leaving without even saying goodbye more with every new day, but Sienna didn't seem to miss her that much. She had her old life back and Klara started a new one in which she seemed happy from time to time but only if she wasn't alone.

If Sienna was thinking of her sometimes like she did?

If she could only talk about her feelings with someone ... but Griggs reaction to the article in the newspaper just proved Klara that it was smart of her to never mention Sienna's name or her past as the Black Shadow.

She liked him but she had a feeling that telling him something about her past wouldn't be a clever move, what also means she couldn't really trust him in that.

Frosty was the trusting one ...

Looking out of the kitchen window and watching the sunset Klara felt how the tears were welling up in her eyes.

When would this pain finally go away?

Thinking about him hurt so much, but not thinking about him and getting reminded of what they once had hurt even more. There was no denying, she was still in love with him, even though he broke her heart and she couldn't help but think about what would've happened if he had returned her I love you.

They could be happy now.

She wouldn't feel so much pain all the time she thought about him or Sienna. She could be with the people who love her now.

But Frost didn't love her ...

That fact hit her as hard as on the day they broke up.

He doesn't love you and that's the reason why you left the city, remember?

"But I still love you ..." she whispered against the sunset.

Klara knew that she probably won't ever fall in love like this again and she also would never love a man like she loved Frost.

If he was thinking of her from time to time?

She remembered only too well what he told her the night he left but something inside of her felt as if he really didn't mean to hurt her. Maybe he loved her but couldn't tell it. She remembered that he told her that this wasn't because of her and that she was perfect ...

God damn why did she miss him so much?

She had a boyfriend now.

She should be happy but she wasn't.

She still wanted her snowman back but even before she'd left the city he had made no attempts to keep her away from it. He didn't talk to her that night at Mr J's club, her last night in Gotham. And no matter how much she begged and hoped for it inside, he never came back to her, he never passed that apartment door of hers again to tell her that he didn't mean what he said. He left her, without looking back. He left her, alone and broken ...

But secretly deep inside of her she wished he would knock on her door someday and tell her those last three words, those three words that could've given them a beautiful future.

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