Chapter 28

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Klara's POV

Klara woke up with a slight headache cuddled up into warm sheets and pressed against another naked body.

"Morning beautiful" Griggs said with his arms wrapped around her body. Klara smiled up at him. "Morning" she muttered still sleepy.

"Hey, listen sweety I thought about something while you were sleeping" Griggs suddenly said.

"What was it?" she asked curious.

"Actually I have to leave the city today, I'm moving to Chicago I got displaced because of my job but I wouldn't mind to take you with me."

"Me?" Klara asked. This suggestion really came out of a sudden for her.

"Yes, why not" he grinned at her.

"I don't know that's so unexpected and we just met each other" she smiled.

"Come on think about it. Do you really have something that holds you here?" he asked.

Klara thought about his words, she still had a job but working for Mr J wasn't that easy when she had to see Frost all the time.

Frost ...

The only man, that she ever loved and who had left her just after she admitted her feelings towards him. She could quit her job, leave everything behind, actually her work here was done, and she hadn't any obligations towards Mr J anymore.

But what about Sienna? Klara would miss her best friend, she wouldn't want to leave her even though Griggs' offer had something for itself. She could start all over again and she felt comfortable around him. Plus she could forget about Frost ... Let her broken heart heal and maybe she could return to Gotham someday.


Klara wasn't fond of the idea to leave her but does the Queen of Gotham still need her? She had her memories back, she was with Mr J again, everything turned out to be good for them again but Klara was where she always used to stay in the end. Alone in her apartment, waiting for the next job she might get but this time she got a broken heart as a reward for finishing her current job as well.

Griggs was right, what was holding her here?


Everyone could live their life further but Klara wanted a change, she didn't want to work as the Black Shadow anymore. She wanted to be free just for once and with someone at her side who could understand her, or at least was there for her when she needed him.

"Okay, yes I'll come with you" she finally smiled. Griggs gifted her a wide grin before he attacked her neck with kisses. Klara squealed and started to laugh. "I just have to finish some things before we're leaving" she said.

Frost's POV

She was gone ... gone ... as if she had never been a part of his life.

Only a few clothes which were lying on the ground at her apartment proved that she must've left only a few hours ago.

He couldn't believe she did that. She couldn't have done that.

That was impossible.

All of his senses were screaming no, whilst considering the little mess she left before she finally disappeared. This must be a joke, she was just moving into a bigger apartment, that was all but as soon as Mr J found a note which was left on her former computer reading that it was an honor for her to had been working for him but that her time had come to leave now, Frost had to face the cruel reality.

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