Chapter 48

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Frost's POV

"Thank you so much for taking care of Maisie tonight" Sienna said as she handed Frost her daughter while Mr J was eyeing his right hand with a dangerous look on his face. "No problem" Frost said.

"And remember, only a single scratch or just one minute too late in bed and you signed your death certificate, alright?"

"Of course, boss" Frost replied taking Maisie into his arms.

If someone thought that Mr J was easier to handle now because he became a Dad eight weeks ago, Frost could prove them more than wrong. Quiet in contrary he was even more dangerous and even more sinister than ever. Last week one of the other henchmen died just because the idiot forgot to buy the right stuffed animal for the little one.

"J stop creeping him out. Has he ever done something wrong?" Sienna asked, rolling her eyes.

Mr J growled at her and gave Frost a last glare. "Let's leave" he responded to Sienna before he turned to the main entrance. But Sienna wasn't following immediately what made Mr J turn around again in annoyance.

"And you'll be a good girl, right?" Sienna asked her little daughter who smiled and took a hold of her mother's finger.

"Doll" Mr J said.

"I'm coming. Call me if you've got trouble" Sienna replied to Frost.

"Sure" the henchman answered and he knew he wouldn't be the one who would call every five minutes after leaving this door.

"Doll, we're late" Mr J's impatient voice sounded from the door again.

"At least I take my time to say goodbye to our child" she snapped back at him, before she finally followed her boyfriend out of the door, but not without reminding Frost of the thousand different ways how he could get her on the phone if something should went wrong.

Frost let out a sigh after his boss and Sienna left the apartment.

It was the first time for them to get back into the night life of Gotham's Underworld together since Sienna's pregnancy and Frost was kinda relieved to not have them around for a few hours. Well ... actually it was very relieving not to have Mr J around all the time. He was a ticking time bomb since Maisie had been born and Frost could need a few hours without his constant yelling and bad mood because he didn't get much sleep the last weeks as well.

"Looks like it's only the two of us us tonight, hm?" Frost said carrying Maisie around.

He never thought it would be that easy to take care of her and that she would be so quiet ... Or not.

Only half an hour later Maisie suddenly started to cry and Frost was totally overwhelmed with the whole situation. He couldn't tell if she was hungry, or if she was missing her parents, or something else. The first thing he tried was the milk bottle but Maisie refused to drink something what didn't calm Frost down.

What if she was sick and couldn't drink?

What if she was in pain?

Frost also tried to check if she had fever but nothing, she just kept crying.

Maybe she was tired ...

But after fifteen minutes in her crib and even trying to distract her with some of her stuffed animals she was still crying.

Frost took her out of the crib again, clueless what to do now. "Hey, come on why are you crying?" he asked carefully.

Maybe she just wanted someone to talk to her ... He remembered that whenever Sienna took care of Maisie she always kept talking to her even though she couldn't answer or understand her yet. But what could he tell her? He wasn't a type for telling fairytales or that kind of stuff, besides all fairytales he knew were about a prince and a princess falling in love and that was the last thing he wanted to hear right now. Not as long as Klara was still somewhere out there with her new asshole boyfriend ...

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