Chapter 55

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Sienna's POV

She woke up the next morning with the worst headache of all time.

Sienna brought a hand to her forehead and noticed that she had a fever. She was basically burning and therefore got quickly rid off the satin covers that covered her heated body. It had been a while since she felt that exhausted and she wanted nothing more than to sleep. But somehow she just couldn't seem to rest.

Sienna turned her head and looked at J who was still sleeping peacefully. She didn't want to disturb him and therefore tried to get up very carefully. But just as she was about to sit up, she felt the unpleasant urge to sneeze. She tried to do it quietly but that didn't work out.

J's eyes shot open at the sound.

"What the fuck—", he muttered and almost jumped out of bed. "Are you sick?!"

"I think so," she said and then started to cough while she felt a burning pain in her throat. J immediately took a few steps back. "Don't even dare to infect me."

Sienna rolled her eyes. "It's not like I can control that, J—", she was cut off as another coughing attack washed over her. A sudden shiver ran down her spine and she pulled the covers over her body again.

She definitely had a cold.

"Can you please send Frost to the pharmacy? I need some medicine," Sienna whispered so that the pain in her throat wouldn't get worse. But J heard her anyway. He nodded his head and was about to say something as Maisie suddenly started to cry. Sienna instantly made attempts to get out of bed but J stopped her with a bewildered look on his face. "Oh, no. You can't get close to her. She'd only get sick too!"

Sienna fell back into the pillows. "You're right. Then you have to take care of her until I feel better," she said and closed her eyes for a second.

"But doll," he protested, "I have a meeting today."

She immediately sat up and glared at him. "What's more important to you? Our daughter or your stupid work?"

J growled. "Fine, I'll cancel the meeting," he said, rolling his eyes as he head towards the doors. But before he left the bedroom, J turned around to her again, giving her a look. "And my work isn't stupid."

Then she heard how he closed the doors with a loud bang and Sienna let out a hiss. Her headache was killing her after all and she really hoped that Frost would hurry up and get her something that would help against all of her symptoms. She wasn't sick very often but when it indeed happened, she was always able to rely on the henchman since J had never been a great help when it came to her having a cold.

Sienna took her phone from her nightstand and quickly texted Frost a list of things she would need, including Ibuprofen, soups, tea, handkerchiefs and a few other things before she tried to rest, closing her eyes and hoping that she would fall asleep again.

Joker's POV

He always hated it when things didn't go as planned.

J was currently in the kitchen, trying to make a soup for his girlfriend while Frost was out in the city right now, buying her everything she needed to get better. He would never admit it but cooking had never been one of J's strengths and the kitchen was therefore already a mess. But that wasn't his only problem.

His daughter didn't stop crying, no matter what he did. Maybe she just wanted to see her mother but J couldn't risk for his little Pumpkin to get sick as well. He knew that Sienna wouldn't want that either.

Maisie was lying on the couch, still crying and even kicking her tiny feet into the air. J growled and quickly went over to her, taking her into his arms while he returned to the kitchen. He tried everything to not burn the soup but he was clearly overwhelmed with the situation.

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