Chapter 16

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Klara's POV

Klara was searching through some new files about the guy who had been drowned in the Gotham River lately before Mr J had the chance to question him as well but she couldn't focus on her work, she still had to think about Sienna and the baby jumpers which she found today in her wardrobe.

Had Mr J told her about the miscarriage by now?

Her eyes wandered to the phone on her desk and she decided it would be better to check on Sienna.

She was Mr J's queen after all but his bad temper still was a problem and she didn't want her to end up crying again because of him.

"Klara?" Sienna said after she picked up the phone.

Relieved Klara could say that Sienna didn't sound traumatized or as if she had to cry lately.

"Hey. Just wanted to check up on you, I was worried after Mr J sent me away. Please tell me he didn't yell at you" the younger girl said.

"No everything's alright, he told me about what happened back then, he was very calm for once" Sienna said and Klara could tell that she was smiling on the other end of the line. "Wow, seems like he learned his lesson, finally."

"Yes. What are you doing? Do you want to come over again?" Sienna asked.

"I'm sorry I can't. I'm still working on the case with our dead man. Mr J will at least yell at me if I don't bring him something useful in the next days."

"Oh, too bad. How's it going so far?"

"Good, I found a few files from the GCPD that could help me to finally find a solution to the whole problem but I still have to read a few hundred pages and my eyes are dying" Klara explained looking at the clock over the kitchen counter behind her. "Already half past eleven, I can't believe I'm sitting here since five hours."

"Take a break you're working too much" Sienna said.

"Maybe you're right ..."

Frost's POV

Frost had thought about coming here a few times and he still wasn't sure what to do.

Sitting in his car he looked up to the bright lights at Klara's apartment, she was probably working at the moment.

This girl was driving him insane, but he knew what that tingling feeling in his body and his racing heart meant and it couldn't have been worse.

He fell for her ...

The ice cold henchman fell for a little girl that probably saw in him her big hero.

He shook his head.

No he didn't fall in love.

He couldn't, that was impossible and utterly dangerous as well.

He had to tell her that the relationship they shared at the moment wouldn't be more but some parts in his body bristled against this thought. Frost didn't want to lose her ... but he also couldn't be responsible for anything that might happen to her because of their jobs. A man like him and a girl like her weren't meant to have a deeper going relationship like this, even though all they have had by now was sex but he knew that Klara was about to want more, he could tell that easily by the way she looked at him.

His heart melted every time she did it but that wasn't worth the pain they were about to feel if something should happen to the other one.

Klara, we can't have a relationship anymore ...

He repeated those words in his head like a mantra before he finally got out of his car and made his way up to her apartment.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

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