Chapter 39

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Sienna's POV

"Doll," she heard a very familiar voice say but she was too tired to open her eyes now. But the person who seemed to disturb her sleep didn't go away. Instead she felt someone poking her sides.

"Doll, wake up," J said again and suddenly brought his lips to hers. He kissed her and run his tongue over her lips, purring as she finally kissed him back. Sienna opened her eyes as J pulled away and he grinned widely at her. "Happy birthday, baby."

Sienna smiled and wrapped her hands around his neck. "Aw, thank you," she said and kissed him again before she got up from the bed. She put on her dressing gown and then J led her out of the bedroom and into the living room where many presents already awaited her.

Her eyes widened at the sight.

"Oh my god," she said and put her hands over her mouth. She had never expected him to put so much effort into preparing her birthday. "J, this is awesome!"

Sienna turned around to her boyfriend and pulled him into a hug while giving him another kiss on his red lips. J grinned at her and then handed her already three presents. She smiled and unwrapped them and her smile grew even wider as she realized that he had given her baby jumpers with captions like Daddy's Little Monster and Daddy's Little Girl on it. There were just no ones for her being referred to as Mummy.

Until Frost gave her his present.

"Oh my god," she said and smiled at the henchman. "They're beautiful, Frost!" Sienna had unpacked his present and it turned out that Frost was the one who gave her baby jumpers with similar captions like J's but now it said Mummy instead of Daddy.

But her face lit even more up as she noticed the baby dress.

"How did you know this would fit me so good?," she asked and hugged Frost tight while J let out a growl behind her. Sienna immediately let go of Frost but he still gave her a short smile.

A sad smile.

Sienna suddenly knew the answer to her question.


"Oh, Frosty," she whispered. "I'm so sorry..."

Sienna missed her just like Frost did and she wished that Klara could be with her right now but it really looked like as if her best friend had turned her back on Gotham, Frost and Sienna forever.

"Don't gimme that sad look, doll," said J and walked over to her to place his tattooed hand over her mouth. Sienna instantly began to smile again and her boyfriend returned it, being quite pleased with himself. "That's better," he grinned and gave her another present. Sienna unwrapped it with excitement and her heart melted as she held a baby book in her hands. "Oh, J," she said and smiled softly at him. "This is perfect. Thank you!"

She opened the book and looked through a few pages. Sienna couldn't wait until she could complete it with things like her daughter's first word or the moment of her little girl taking her first step but for now Sienna had a place for all of her ultrasound images. This book was a perfect reminder of her daughter's development over the upcoming months and years and she could hardly wait anymore until she held her child in her arms for the first time. But she had to carry her under her heart for another three months before that was about to happen.

"Who wants cake?," J asked and ripped her out of her thoughts.

Sienna grinned. "For breakfast? Hell yeah!"

"Frost, bring us the cake."

The henchman disappeared into the kitchen but came back just a few seconds later, carrying a big dark chocolate cake with 25 candles on it. On Sienna's face broke out a smile as she took a seat at the table beside her boyfriend.

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