Chapter 22

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Klara's POV

Every day since one week now Klara made sure to spend at least two hours with Sienna, since she had to rest after all and today she was allowed to leave her bed for the very first time. Klara was so relieved that the whole thing with Two-Face didn't cause one of their deaths. And finally she could close the kidnapping case in the file on her computer.

It was late in the evening when Klara had her only free day since a few weeks and she really enjoyed it besides the fact that her mind was constantly worrying about Frost now. He recovered very well past the last days and he didn't even need his crutch anymore but he seemed to be very distant towards Klara since all those things had happened. She thought maybe he just needed some rest but he never had been like that towards her. Or he just didn't want her to see that also a Jonny Frost had weak moments.

Men and their egos.

Klara stood in the kitchen with a cup of tea in her hands as suddenly a knock on the front door ripped her out of her thoughts. She placed her cup on the kitchen counter and opened the door. A smile was drawn on her face as soon as she saw Frost standing in the door frame and she couldn't do different than kiss him and pull him with her into the apartment.

"I missed you" she purred and lead them both to her bed at the end of the room but this time she didn't make any institutions to seduce him, she just let herself fall onto the bed with her back and kissed him softly.

Frost's POV

Frost immediately recognized that Klara didn't need the sex this time, she just needed some comfort and someone around her who loved her. He felt the backstabbing pain in his heart as she told him how much she missed him and that she was glad that he was here now.

Why must they develop such deep feelings towards each other?

He would break her heart now even though he didn't want to. But after what Two-Face and his goons nearly did to her, he thought it was the only solution that could keep this horrible kind of pain and danger away from her. He just wanted to protect her, he would never want to hurt her out of purpose. She deserved a relationship that wouldn't put her into so much danger.

He just wasn't the right one for her, Frost told himself over and over again even though his heart knew, that was the biggest lie he had ever told. And he never thought that it would hurt him so much to prepare himself for a break up.

She had no idea yet ... How she looked at him ... god that made it even worse.

Her crystal blue eyes were so full of affection and love and he had to destroy the look she was giving him now.

He already was about to open his mouth but then Klara did something that caused a third world war in his mind. "I love you, Frosty" she whispered.

Klara's POV

She felt free as if she could fly after the words had finally left her mouth but that feeling soon found a very unhappy ending as Frost just looked at her and didn't respond the kiss anymore that she wanted to give him.

No ...

He just looked at her, nearly shocked and Klara felt as if someone just had shot her right through the heart.

"Baby?" she asked with a shaking voice. Maybe he was just surprised ...

Seconds of silence passed by, seconds that felt like years for Klara until Frost suddenly shook his head and got to his feet again. This didn't feel like a bullet through the heart anymore, this felt like a slowly and very painful death.


"I'm so sorry Klara ..." he said.


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