Chapter 54

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Frost's POV

The night had been long for Frost, he was still searching for Klara and this time he finally had made it out of the penthouse to visit some clubs near the one in which he had seen her the last time. He had told Sienna that there was some business for Mr J to do before he could finally leave the house without his boss yelling after him. But to make sure that Mr J wouldn't kill him for just disappearing without him telling anything he had indeed done some work for him, before he left to search for the love of his life on New Year's Eve.

Frost was tired as he got out of his black SUV visiting the next best hotspot out of town. A modern bar which looked a tad like Mr J's club from the inside only that most parts of the interior decoration was ice blue. Everything here seemed very modern, just like Klara would like it.

A lot of people were here to celebrate the new year, mostly young people and it was very difficult for Frost to find a trace of Klara in this full crowd even though he was tall enough to see everything. But Klara was so short and petite to find her under so many human beings was nearly impossible and Frost felt a big amount of disappointment and anger growing inside of him. He just wanted his girlfriend back, was that too much to ask for?

Looking at the TV screen which had been hung up above the bar the clock showed that it was only one minute left until midnight. One minute till Klara was gone for nearly a whole year and he still hadn't found her ... Why was life such a bitch towards them?

Frost who had kept his eyes glued to the TV screen suddenly opened his mouth slightly as he felt the familiar soft skin of someone touching his hand whilst walking past him. "I'm sorry ..." a female voice then replied to him, a voice that felt like an angel would sing to him. A voice he would recognize under thousand strangers.

He turned his head into the direction from where it came just to see a strand of red curly hair and a part of her beautiful face disappearing into the crowd behind him whilst everyone was counting down the last seconds of the year two thousand and sixteen.

"Klara!" he shouted for her immediately, trying to follow her but it was already too late. She was gone again and this time he had missed her only about seconds.

Mad as hell about so much misfortune he left the bar just to escape all those kissing people around him. He couldn't take that right now. Them being happy while he just lost his girl straight in front of his face again.

At the parking he looked around if the car of her stupid asshole boyfriend was standing somewhere here but nothing, they must've left in the second while he was too busy with paying attention to that stupid clock!

"FUCK!" he yelled into the night and kicked the wheel of his car a tad too hard what caused him an unattractive pain in his right foot shortly after it.

Why? Why goddamn, WHY?

Frost sat down on the driver's seat of his car, trying to calm down a bit before he would return to Gotham. Driving in such an emotional condition wasn't a good idea at all.

In that time Frost turned his phone again, already awaiting a thousand messages from Mr J and he was right. Of course his boss was mad that he had left the city without telling him but at least he got him something that would lighten his mood up again. Frost didn't even dare to listen to the messages his boss left on his mailbox, he probably would need earmuffs to endure the yelling.

But as he was starting the motor of the black SUV he thought about something different, something that was lightning up his mood as well at least a bit. This bar and the club in which he had seen Klara a few months ago weren't far apart from each other, so that meant she must live somewhere around here now. Somewhere around ... wait where exactly was he?

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