Chapter 72

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Klara's POV

Klara couldn't stand the feeling of looking at Sienna's little daughter, knowing that she missed one of the most important events in her best friend's life just because she wasted one year with an asshole who in the end became her worst nightmare. This felt even more horrible than all the weeks of abuse she had to endure from Griggs.

Maisie was a beautiful child. She had the face of her mother, but her eyes were the icy blue ones of her father and Klara's heart melted right away when she saw how Frost was talking to her.

"Hello, little Flower" Frost said, kneeling down to Maisie's level and letting her hug his arm. "Why's she calling you tree? That sounds so cute" Klara whispered, hoping that no one would recognize how close she was to crying again. Actually she thought that after all those months of pain and abuse she wouldn't even have one single tear left, but her emotions proved her otherwise.

Frost smiled up to her comfortingly, of course knowing how she felt. He always knew what she was thinking.

"She gave me this nickname because I'm tall like one and probably because my name is too hard for her to pronounce yet."

"She's beautiful" Klara smiled and locked eyes with Sienna once again. "Thank you, she's our little sunshine" Sienna said while Maisie followed her mother's look and letting her eyes rest on Klara who of course must be total stranger to her. And also a very creepy one, since all the bruises Klara had on her body were still visible for everyone to see, because her dress got ripped apart by Griggs just a few hours ago.

Klara didn't want to scare the little one and that was why she just smiled at her and waved her hand slightly, what made Maisie run back to her mother and hiding behind Sienna's legs, sometimes giving a quick look at the new person in the room again before hiding herself again. "She's a bit shy. She's not used to strangers yet" Sienna explained with a small smile.

"Yes of course ... I can understand that, mostly because I don't look like a normal person, at least not at the moment" Klara responded to all the bruises which could be seen onto her body. "I'm so sorry this happened to you. Do you want to sit down? Are you still in pain?" Sienna immediately asked. And before Klara could even answer her: "Come on, let's sit down on the couch."

Klara, Frost and Mr J followed Sienna into the living room while she was carrying Maisie into her arms as well. "Why did you even go with a man that you didn't know?" Sienna asked like a disappointed mother as soon as everyone took a seat and Klara knew that it was Sienna's good right to ask this question. If she would've been in her position she would've asked this question as well but the answer made Klara even as uncomfortable as the question. "I don't know ... maybe because I didn't feel loved, maybe because I thought that you seemed to be happy again and you wouldn't need me any longer ... and I had nowhere to go then."

"What? Did you really think I would've wanted you to just leave without telling me?" Sienna said, sounding even more disappointed now.

Klara was looking at the ground to her feet while she was answering because she could feel the tears welling up in her eyes again. "No but ... you had your memories back and you were able to live your old life again ... I just thought it wouldn't matter if I would leave now, since Mr J just wanted me to accompany you during the time you couldn't remember who you are. I thought you wouldn't need me any longer and that it would've been a good time to leave, since my whole world had been shattered just one day before the evening we saw each other the last time. I actually never planned to leave this city, but Griggs convinced me in the end and I thought why not because I had nothing left. If I had only known that you missed me that much I wouldn't have left." Klara's voice broke after her last words and the room was filled with the silent sobs of her while Frost was rubbing her back comfortingly, hugging her tight.

"But I left you hundreds of messages, Klara. Why you never call back? Or at least replied to them?" Sienna's voice wasn't as strong as just a few minutes ago. Her feelings were suddenly starting to overwhelm her as much as Klara's.

"Oh god ... Sienna I'm so sorry, I never got your messages. I changed my number shortly after I left Gotham ..."

"Oh Klara" Sienna said, laying an arm around her friend's shoulder, hugging her as well. "Young girls, stupid mistakes ... but well we can't change that anymore now."

"Stupid, indeed" Mr J growled from behind her, but Sienna didn't respond to him. She already knew that Klara felt horrible for leaving and even though she was still disappointed about her best friend's behavior she could also understand how a young girl like Klara was feeling when she decided to leave everything behind her. Plus the man she chose with whom she wanted to have a good time had a bad influence on her as well. Klara had been just a young girl who was blinded and fooled by her own emotions and she knew now that she made a big mistake with leaving her friends and hometown behind her. It would take its time before Sienna's and Klara's friendship would be the same again as it was before she left, but Sienna believed deep down in her heart that it was possible to go back to where they had been once.

"I'm so sorry you have no idea ... how can I ever make this all up to you?" Klara said while tears were still running down her cheeks.

Why did she leave?

Why had she been so stupid?

How could she even think of Sienna not missing her?

"Just never leave again" Sienna only said.

"I promise it" Klara whispered.

"Bruuh ..." a sudden noise was distracting Klara from all the thoughts which were running amok in her head.

Maisie was suddenly sitting right next to her, touching Klara's red shiny curls and being totally mesmerized by their color and how soft they felt. "Aw, hello little one" Klara said completely overwhelmed by Maisie's cuteness which was making her forget all the bad things that were still taking place in her head.

Maisie looked at Klara for a second and Klara already thought she would hide from her again but this time the little one just smiled and played with Klara's curls further. "How was the birth? Did everything go well?" Klara asked Sienna.

Sienna smiled at her and then gave a quick glare at Mr J before answering. "It was very painful, but besides that J nearly missed the whole birth, because he thought that his business meeting was more important than his daughter finally arriving into this world, everything was perfect."

"What? Oh my god and how did you survive this then?" Klara asked, obviously shocked about this kind of news.

"Well, I would've gone crazy if Frost wouldn't have been there to support me" Sienna smiled at Frost, what caused another low growl from the little corner of the living room in which Mr J was standing.

Klara shared a look with her now finally boyfriend and smiled whilst leaning her head against his chest, taking his hand in hers. "This world needs more people like you" she said, what made Frost smile as well.

Frost's POV

Frost couldn't be happier at the moment. He finally had her back, after one and a half year of searching and hoping that she would come back. Everything had been worth it in the end and now they had all the time in the world to develop their relationship and he would give everything to make this perfect.

As soon as Klara would feel better he already decided to take her out on a real date, something they never did before she left the city. What was clearly a shame when he was thinking about this today.

No wonder that she had left him, he never really showed her how much he loved her because their relationship always just insisted of sex.

This would definitely change now.

He'd drown her in love and make up for everything he had done wrong in the past but for now it was already enough to just hold her in his arms again, feeling her vicinity and warmth, which made him realize that nothing of this was just a beautiful dream. One of those he used to had when she wasn't there.

Oh how he missed her ... He would keep her right at his side from now on, never letting her go ever again.

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