Chapter 15

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Sienna's POV

After the events of the club Sienna felt even more comfortable in her skin. It has been a real shock for her to watch Klara killing those men. Yes, they were assholes and disgusting but they clearly didn't deserve to die. But Sienna seemed to be the only one to think that way since Mr J was delighted about what Klara did. He had praised her for looking after his Queen and that she protected her from this scum. Sienna hasn't been allowed to wander off a second time this evening. She had to remain on Mr J's lap while he took care of his business. Sienna hadn't understand a word about what he was saying but she had been too busy to think about being so close to him anyway.

She still wasn't used to his touches but she also made no attempts to stop him. Since he came to her one night, Mr J proceeded to sleep in the same bed with her. Sienna was glad that he didn't try anything yet because she was sure that she wasn't ready to take another step in their so called relationship now.

She knew basically nothing about him...

"Hey, are you alright?," she heard Klara say next to her.

The two girls were currently doing some online shopping because Sienna didn't feel comfortable in her own clothes and Mr J also didn't allow her to leave the penthouse without him. Not even for going to the mall.

"Oh, yeah, yeah, I'm fine," Sienna said and looked at the screen of the laptop again. Klara gave her a small smile. "This one looks nice," she said and pointed at a short dress which wasn't as revealing as the other dresses Sienna owned. But she just shook her head. "I'm actually looking for more comfy clothes," she said and Klara nodded her head. "Well, okay. But I'm not so sure if Mr J would like that..."

"He's not the one who has to wear them," Sienna said shortly and immediately started to buy some oversized sweaters and leggings. She also found a cute scarf and a long cardigan that she fell in love with from the start.

"What do you think about this?," asked Sienna and looked to Klara only to find her supporting her head on her hand and her eyes being closed. "Klara?", she asked quietly and the young girl immediately opened her eyes.

"Rough day?," Sienna asked.

Klara smirked at her. "The morning sex was pretty exhausting. Frosty was sooooo good," she hummed and had a dreamy look on her face. Sienna just shook her head but smiled. "You can lay down on the couch if you want," she offered and gestured to the white leather couch in the living room. But Klara wasn't fond of this idea. "No, I'm here to watch over you," she said but Sienna gave her a look. "I won't run away. It's fine. I'll just look at a few other websites."

"Are you sure?"," Klara asked and Sienna nodded. "Absolutely. Now go and make yourself comfortable."

Klara smiled and went over to the couch while Sienna bought even more clothes. But she got bored after a while and then looked over her shoulder at Klara who was already taking her nap. Sienna smiled and got up from the chair and into the bedroom. She needed to make some room for her new clothes after all.

She opened her wardrobe and pushed all of her dresses aside. But Sienna raised her eyebrows in confusion as she noticed a small box in the back of the wardrobe. She took it in her hands and kneeled on the floor to open it. Her eyes widened as she realized what the content of the box was.

Baby jumpers.

All of them had different colors.

Sienna touched the soft material and her thoughts spin in her head.

Why did she own them?

In that moment, she wanted nothing more than to remember the story behind those baby clothes. Sienna started to think hard about her past but she came to no realization.

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