Chapter 63

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Sienna's POV

Sienna couldn't believe the progress her daughter seemed to make with every passing month. Maisie was now ten months old and would soon celebrate her first birthday. Sienna herself had turned 26 just a few weeks ago.

"Mummy!," Maisie said with a smile and crawled towards her mother who was sitting on the couch, watching over her daughter. The little one had started to crawl a few weeks ago which had been a huge celebration for her parents.

"Come here, sweetie," Sienna smiled and spread her arms. Maisie crawled faster and then put her tiny hand on her mother's knee, looking up at her with her big blue eyes. Sienna's own eyes widened as she realized what her daughter was trying to do.

"J!," she called and didn't have to wait long for her boyfriend to join them. J came out of his office and into the living room, looking around quickly. "What is it, doll? I'm busy," he said and walked over to her. Sienna shrugged her shoulders. "Fine, if you wan't to miss how our daughter stands up for the first time, then leave," she said and returned her attention to Maisie who was now looking between her parents.

Sienna placed her hand over her daughter's. "Cmon, Maisie," she said encouragingly. The little one took ahold of Sienna's other knee before she tried to pull herself up. Maisie managed to get to her feet but was shaking with every movement. Sienna supported her by holding her up and a wide smile broke out on her face. "Very good!," she laughed and smiled at her daughter before she kissed her soft cheek. Maisie giggled, never letting go of her mother's knees.

Sienna turned around to J. He had a proud look on his face as he watched their daughter standing up for the first time all on her own. "That was amazing, Pumpkin," he praised her and flashed her his silver teeth. Maisie laughed, looking at him with a look of pure joy. Sienna smiled at the sight and took her little hands in hers, standing up from the couch but still holding her tightly. Maisie looked up at her mother as Sienna stood behind her. "How about trying to walk, sweetie?," she asked and gestured for J to come closer. He followed her gaze and came to a stop right in front of them.

"Walk around a bit to show her how it's done," said Sienna and he did what she wanted. J walked around the room, watching their daughter closely who was also watching him intensely before looking down at her own tiny feet. Maisie's grip on Sienna's hands tightened. "Should we try it, sweetie?," she asked the little one softly and then took a few steps forward. Maisie tried to imitate her by putting one foot in front of the other. "Perfect!," Sienna cheered, smiling down at her daughter before she locked eyes with her boyfriend again.

J kneeled down and opened his arms. "Come here, Pumpkin," he said and grinned at her. Maisie still hold onto Sienna's hands as she tried to get to her father, taking step by step carefully. "You're doing so great, Maisie," smiled Sienna while getting closer and closer to J. "Daddy!," said their daughter as she looked up at him. Sienna slowly let go of her little hands as soon as J wrapped his arms around her tiny body. He picked her up easily, twirling her in the air and laughing along with Maisie's giggles. "Good job, princess," J said, smiling at her. "And soon you'll be able to walk all on your own!"

Maisie touched his face. "Daddy," she muttered again, nuzzling her face into the crook of his neck. J rubbed her back gently as he met eyes with Sienna again. She smiled at both of them, coming closer. "I love you two so much."

J kissed her forehead, still holding Maisie in his arms. But the beautiful moment was suddenly interrupted as they heard a knock at the front door. J let out a sigh and handed Maisie to Sienna before shouting for his right hand to enter the penthouse.

Frost came into the living room, smiling slightly at them all. But as J stalked towards him his face got serious again. "Any news for me, Frosty?," J asked and Sienna knew that they were still looking for Griggs and Klara. Well, J looked for Griggs while Frost was more interested in finding his ex-girlfriend.

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