Chapter 67

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Joker's POV

"J! Wake up!," he heard a familiar voice say and reluctantly opened his eyes. He let out a growl as he noticed his girlfriend's face close to his own one. "What is it, doll? It's too early," he complained and rolled on his other side, facing her with his back. But Sienna was persistent. "Cmon, get up, baby," she said und pulled the covers away. "Did you forget which day it is?"

No, of course not.

Today was their daughter's first birthday.

He would certainly never forget this day.

"I didn't," J said, sitting up on the bed. He ran his fingers through his green hair before glancing at his Queen. Sienna smiled at him as she got to her feet. "Get dressed now. We're eating cake for breakfast!"

J looked up at her words, having a delighted look on his face. "Sounds good, doll," he grinned and put on his Arkham sweatpants. He followed his girlfriend to the nursery where they woke up their daughter together. Sienna gently stroked her cheek as she looked down at Maisie in her crib. "Open your eyes, sweetie," she said with a soft voice and the little one slowly started to wake up. She rubbed her eyes as Sienna took their daughter into her arms. "Happy birthday, Maisie."

The little one smiled up at her mother, touching her face with her tiny hands. Sienna smiled down at her before turning her around so that she could look at her father. J took her from Sienna, twirling her in the air what made Maisie laugh out in joy. "Happy birthday, Pumpkin," he said and grinned at her.

All three of them returned to the kitchen. J put Maisie into her highchair while Sienna served them the cake she had bought with Frost a few days ago as they were out in the city to do some shopping for Maisie's birthday. J had watched his girlfriend yesterday night as she had wrapped all of Maisie's presents up, including his own ones. He just sucked at doing this and Sienna wanted for their daughter to have beautiful wrapped up presents after all.

After they were done with eating, Sienna and J placed Maisie between them on the large couch, giving the little one her first present. Her eyes widened at the shiny wrapping paper and she immediately started to struggle with the ribbon. Sienna smiled and helped their daughter to open her present. "That's from me, sweetie," she said as she handed Maisie her first pair of shoes. She looked at them curiously but then threw them on the ground, laughing as Sienna picked them up again.

J started to laugh as well. "She really appreciates your present, doll."

Sienna gave him a look. "Here," she just said and gave him one shoe while she dressed Maisie in the other one. The little one looked at her feet with big eyes as her parents put the new shoes on. "Let's try them, shall we?," said Sienna and put Maisie on the ground. Their daughter was still holding onto the couch but tried to walk after she took a few steps.

His girlfriend scooted closer to J, resting her chin on his shoulder as both of them watched Maisie walking. "She's so cute, isn't she?," Sienna said and J nodded his head, looking at his daughter with a smile on his face. Maisie grinned at them both as she walked back to her parents. "Come here, Pumpkin. Daddy has something for you as well," said J and picked her up to place her on his lap.

He grabbed the present from the little table in the living room and helped her to open it. J noticed Sienna crossing her arms as Maisie unwrapped her present. The little one was holding a toy gun in her tiny hands, looking at it curiously. J had a proud look on his face. "You have to hold it like this, princess," he said and showed her how to do it correctly.

"At least it's not a real gun," Sienna said but still smiled at the scene.

"This was a about time, doll," J replied.

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