Chapter 44

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Frost's POV

Another month had passed by and meanwhile Sienna could get the baby every minute. The good thing was that this kept Frost working and he hadn't much time to think about Klara even though he was still searching for her. And he wouldn't give up on finding her, not in a million years, but today he had to keep himself focused on taking care of Sienna while Mr J was out running some business.

"Boss, I brought the car around," Frost informed Mr J. He just came from the parking lot and Mr J was already half on his way to leave the penthouse. Frost could see by Sienna's face that she wasn't delighted at all to see her boyfriend leave when their baby could be born every second now.

"Don't let her out of your sight," Mr J said turning to Frost. His right hand gave him a short nod. "Of course."

Mr J kissed his Queen goodbye then he left the penthouse and Frost and Sienna were alone.

"I swear to god if he won't come back as soon as possible I'm gonna rip his head off" Sienna said putting the book aside in which she had read the last few hours. An adviser for women that described how to give birth to a child in the right way.

Frost looked at her. "I think it would be better for you to stay calm" he said.

Sienna was nodding her head slowly. "I know," she said and got up from the couch. Frost recognized that her movements were heavy and she looked as if she wanted to fall back on the couch immediately as her facial expression somehow became suffering. He really was worried about her, hopefully this baby wouldn't plop out of her in the next hours while Mr J was gone. Frost had no idea what he should do then.

"Are you ok?" Frost asked carefully to make sure she was alright.

Sienna nodded. "Yeah, I just have to walk around for a while" she said but it didn't sound very convincing to him. And then all of a sudden Sienna put her hands on her belly and let out a sharp breath, while her face was distorting from the pain she must be feeling right now. "Are you sure?" Frost asked. He didn't want to sound like a panicking idiot but this situation was so completely new and not to mention uncomfortable for him. He felt so overwhelmed with everything and right now he wished that Klara could be here to tell him what Sienna might need.

"Yes" Sienna then responded. "Just false contradictions again. They're totally normal."

Frost felt as if a rock would fell from his heart. He wouldn't know what to do if the baby would decide to come out now.

"Do you want to sit down? Can I get you something?" he asked trying to make her feel more comfortable but he doubted that someone could feel comfortable with such a big baby bump. How could she even sleep with that?

Sienna smiled a tad before she answered. "Can you get me a hot-water bottle?"

"Of course," he said, disappearing into the kitchen for a few minutes.

But after half an hour passed in which Frost made her several hot water bottles, a tea and also got her some more pillows for her aching back he had to realize that this couldn't be some false contradictions.

It was 7:55 p.m. and Mr J was still gone as Sienna suddenly yelled for Frost out of the living room. "What is it?," he asked and looked at her with widened eyes as soon as he appeared at her side.

"Bring me to the medical quarters" she said and his heart sunk into his pants.

Oh god ... not now.

"What? You mean that-"

"I'm serious, Frost! I'm having true contradictions!" she said and before he could even think about what was happening around him further he helped her to get up from the couch. His hand supported her back as they took the elevator downstairs to the medical quarters and he tried everything to handle her weight as good as possible to not hurt her even more.

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