Chapter 45

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Sienna's POV

She felt her baby moving down the birth canal and pushed as hard as she could. Sienna bent down and gripped J's hand tight while her other hand hold onto Frost's. Her whole body tensed up as another contradiction hit her and she screamed at the top of her lungs until she finally had a few seconds to rest again.

"You're crowning!," informed her the doctor. "Come on, it won't take long now. I can already see the head!"

"Everything hurts so much," Sienna panted and looked at her boyfriend. J got up from his chair and positioned himself behind her, getting onto the bed. She now sat between his legs and her hands already gripped his thighs as she felt the sudden pain rising again. J kissed her temple and put his tattooed hand on her belly while the other one slowly rubbed her back.

"Push!," said the doctor and Sienna did what she told her.

Sienna felt how her daughter's head plopped out and she sighed in relief as the contradiction ended. But the worst part wasn't over yet. She still had to push the shoulders and the whole body out.

"It's nearly over, doll," whispered J in her ear while Frost squeezed her hand gently. Sienna took a deep breath before she felt the urge to push again. The grip around Frost's hand tightened again and she dug her nails into J's thigh as she pushed as hard as she could. Sienna screamed out in pain as she felt how her daughter's shoulders left her tight canal. "Oh god, this burns!," she panted and let her head fall back in the crook of J's neck. He pushed a few strands of her hair out of her face that stuck to her sweaty forehead.

"One last push, Sienna," said the doctor. "Then you can finally hold her in your arms."

That was all the encouragement she needed.

Sienna nodded and prepared herself for the pain again as the next contradiction started. "OH GOD, J! I'LL NEVER DO THIS AGAIN, I SWEAR!," she yelled and then finally felt her baby completely leaving her body.

Her daughter's crying voice filled the room.

A smile broke out on Sienna's face as she heard it and then Maisie was placed on her chest while a towel was wrapped around her. She looked down at her daughter in awe as she felt tears of joy welling up in her eyes.

Sienna gently stroked Maisie's cheek and then looked up at J who still sat behind her. His crystal blue eyes were glued to the baby on her chest but after a while he finally dared to touch her. His pale fingers slowly brushed the dark hair on Maisie's head before he flashed Sienna a smile. She smiled back at him and kissed his lips.

"It's the 7th of October and 2:20am," the doctor announced. "Her name is Maisie Elizabeth, right?"

To Sienna's big surprise, it was J who answered her: "Yes."

Sienna smiled at him and then looked at her daughter again, kissing her forehead carefully. She had stopped crying as soon as she was placed on her chest and Maisie now wrapped her tiny fingers around her mother's. "Hello, Maisie," Sienna said and held her close. "It's so amazing to finally meet you."

Sienna had never felt happier in her whole life.

All the pain has been totally worth it.

She felt J's chin resting on her shoulder as he looked down at his daughter. Her eyes were still closed and she was still covered in blood and fluids but Sienna had never seen such a beautiful thing in her whole life.

"She's gorgeous," whispered Sienna and kissed her boyfriend's cheek.

Then she noticed Frost smiling at them softly.

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