Chapter 77

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Joker's POV

He woke up to two tiny hands that were touching his face. J opened his eyes and saw his daughter looking down at him with her big blue eyes that she inherited from him. Maisie laughed as her father finally woke up and crawled on top of him. "Daddy!," she said and a smile formed on her lips. "Presents!"

J sighed and rubbed his eyes. It was indeed Christmas again which meant he had to get up very early because Maisie was always totally excited to finally open her presents. "Yes, yes. I'm awake," he mumbled and sat up in bed, looking around for his girlfriend. But Sienna was nowhere to be seen. "Where's Mummy, Pumpkin?," J asked as Maisie crawled to the edge of the bed. She looked at him and pointed to the door. Yeah, I figured that out for myself. Thank you very much.

"Morning, sleepyhead," Sienna suddenly appeared in the doorframe and smiled at J, already being completely dressed. "I told Maisie to wake you up," she added and gave their daughter a wide smile. "Good job, sweetie."

Maisie got up from the bed and ran over to her, holding her arms up. Sienna lifted the little one up into her arms and then threw J's sweatpants onto the bed. "Come on, baby. Everyone's waiting for you," she said and grinned. But J only raised his non existent eyebrows. "Who do you mean with everyone?!"

"We're in the living room," Sienna only replied and then turned around to leave the bedroom. J let out a low growl and he got to his feet, pulling on his sweatpants before following his Queen into the living room. He immediately rolled his eyes in annoyance as he noticed his right hand and the little brat sitting on his couch, greeting him with a nod and a friendly good morning. "What's this, doll?," J asked, not being happy about them being here at all. He rather wanted to spend the day with his Queen and their daughter alone.

"We're celebrating Christmas, J," Sienna said, frowning. "I thought that was obvious."

Ohh, she was sassy again.

Maisie suddenly walked over to her father, taking his hand and leading him to the couch where he sat down beside Sienna. J put his daughter on his lap while resting his head on his girlfriend's shoulder, still being tired as hell. He closed his eyes for a second before Klara's voice made him open them again. She was standing in front of the huge Christmas tree, sharing a look with them all before speaking up again: "I'm so grateful that I can spend this day with everyone of you. There's no place I'd rather be," she said and smiled. J actually wanted to comment her desire for attention but then decided to keep his mouth shut since he didn't want to ruin the moment for Maisie. Therefore he only rolled his eyes at the brat.

"This one is for Frost," Klara smiled while Maisie got up from the couch, walking over to the young girl. "Aw, do you want to help me?," she asked and kneeled down in front of Maisie. The little one nodded her head and Klara gave her the present. "Could you bring this to tree? That's my present for him," she said and Maisie smiled, making her way over to the henchman and placing the present in his lap. "Thank you, little flower," smiled Frost and then opened it. He held a silver watch in his hands just a few seconds later. "Turn it around," said Klara and Frost did what she said. He looked up at her again and smiled. "Wow, thanks." Frost got to his feet and kissed her.

J growled. "Can we please go on?"

Sienna elbowed him in the ribs before smiling at Frost. "Is something engraved on the back?," she asked and he nodded, handing her his new watch. Sienna took a closer look at it and J leaned forward to read the word as well. Forever was written on the back of the watch.

"Cheesy," J said while Sienna shot him a glare, giving the watch back to Frost. "That's a beautiful gift. Don't listen to him."

J growled again and crossed his arms over his chest, wanting this moment to be finally over. But they had only just started.

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