Chapter 35

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Sienna's POV

20 weeks pregnant.

Sienna had finally reached the 20th week of her pregnancy which meant that she and J would get to know the gender of their baby today. Sienna couldn't hide her excitement about this and was currently reading What to Expect When You're Expecting to spend some time till the ultrasound appointment.

She rested her feet in J's lap while he had his eyes glued to the screen of his phone. Sienna looked at him from time to time before she continued to the read the book in her hands. They were sitting in the living room, waiting for the time to pass and also for the new furniture to arrive. Sienna had done a bit of online shopping lately because they had to start decorating the baby's nursery.

Sienna suddenly put her book away as she felt the baby kicking again. She felt her baby's movements more frequently now. The doctor had told her that the little one started to test the boundaries within the walls of the womb.

"J," she said and he looked up. Sienna took his left hand and brought it to her baby bump. J had been determined to feel his child kicking for him because it hadn't done it yet. Whenever Sienna felt the baby kicking, J hadn't been there to feel it too. But now he was.

A wide grin formed on J's red lips as their baby kicked again. He put his phone into his pocket and placed his other hand on her belly as well, waiting impatiently for another kick. His grin became even wider as he felt the baby move again. "You little rebel," J said and grinned from ear to ear. "I like you."

Sienna's heart melted at the sight.

She always loved to see J's softer side. It started to show more often recently because of her pregnancy and she could definitely get used to it. Even though her boyfriend was a dangerous psychopath with no sense for mercy, he did care about her. And he started to care about their baby as well. She knew that because she noticed the excitement in his crystal blue eyes as the baby started to kick for him.

"Are you happy now?," asked Sienna and smiled.

J looked at her. He supported his one hand on the couch while his other one remained on her belly as he leaned closer to her. His lips brushed hers and Sienna grabbed the hem of his shirt to close the distance between them. Their lips met in a heated kiss and she felt him chuckling.

Sienna started to unbutton the few buttons on his dress shirt and ran her fingers down his muscular chest. J broke the kiss to look at her with his eyebrows raised. She returned his gaze and smirked. "I'm needy, baby," she said and licked her lips. "Satisfy me."

He didn't hesitate.

J carefully put her on his lap and started kissing her neck. Sienna let out a moan and buried her fingers in his green hair, pulling on it. She could feel his teeth grazing her skin and she threw her head back as he started to suck on her sweet spot.

"You know," began Sienna and made J looking at her. "I've read that this position is perfect for pregnant sex." She winked at him and he frowned. "With you on top?," he asked and she nodded her head. "Yes. Do you have a problem with that?" Sienna made sure her voice sounded sharp and J got the message. He didn't dare to piss her off when her mood changed constantly.

But a sudden knock at the front door interrupted their intentions.

J growled as Sienna got up from his lap to open the door. At least four henchmen stood there, including Frost who carried several large packages. A smile formed on Sienna's lips as she greeted them to let them into the penthouse.

"The furniture is there, J!," she shouted and showed the henchmen the way to the baby's room. They immediately started to unpack the packages and looked at the instructions to build the furniture up.

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