Chapter 56

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Frost's POV

As Frost came to the penthouse today he was greeted by some more or less loud yelling. Mr J and Sienna seemed to argue about something lately, while little Maisie was playing on a blanket in the living room. She smiled and laughed as she saw Frost entering the room.

The first half of the new year had already passed and the little one was growing so fast, she could even hold her head and sit on her own now. Frost felt like she was growing and learning things faster than he was doing some progress in finding Klara.

Since New Year's Eve he hadn't seen her or found out something new about her whereabouts and it really starts to frustrate him, he knew it would take him time to find her but the more time it took him the more he just wanted this to be over and hold her in his arms again.

"Hey, no, no, no, no" Frost said as he saw that Maisie was about to nearly eat the zapper which was lying on the ground beside her as well. He took it out of her mouth and gave her a stuffed animal instead but Maisie seemed to like the tie he was wearing way more and so she started to play with this, smiling at him and sometimes touching his face. She laughed every time she touched his beard, Frost thought she may find it scratchy and that's why she liked it so much.

Sienna and Mr J were still arguing in the bedroom, they didn't even recognize Frost. And meanwhile he could figure out what was going on, they were fighting about what Maisie's first word would be.

A slight smile formed on his lips while he was watching Maisie who was still playing with his tie. He had sat down besides her so that she could reach it better and by now she already had crawled onto his lap.

This reminded Frost a lot of the Baby Name War, when Sienna and Mr J had to decide how to name Maisie.

He couldn't really understand why they were making such a fuss about it since Maisie would say Mummy or Daddy soon enough no matter who was first, but he also knew that he was thinking here about Mr J and well, now it didn't seem that ridiculous anymore, since his boss wanted to be the first and best in everything.

Frost was sure that if Maisie would be his and Klara's child they wouldn't care about if she would say Mummy or Daddy first. Wow ... now he was even thinking about them as parents ... He really wanted her back.

Hopefully it wouldn't take him that long anymore to finally find her.

"What do you think, little one? Do you want to get to know Klara, when I've found her?" Frost asked Maisie and the answer was a big smile but probably just because his tie seemed to taste very delicious.

"J, I'm not discussing this with you any longer!"

"Come on doll, it's obvious! Most of the babies say Daddy first because it's easier for them!"

"No it's not!" Sienna shouted back whilst storming out of the bedroom what Maisie recognized within a second. "Mummy!" she suddenly said and pointed at her mother with joy written all over her cute little face. Sienna and Mr J –who followed behind her shortly after she stormed out of the room- stopped dead in their tracks.

"What did you just say, sweetie?" Sienna asked and looked at her daughter with so much happiness in her eyes. Mr J meanwhile looked at his girlfriend and Frost through squinted eyes. "She didn't say anything" he snarled. Sienna gifted him a mad look and walked over to her daughter who was chewing on Frost's tie again.

"Mummy!" she said again and this time Mr J couldn't deny that he didn't hear it.

"Aww, my little angel" Sienna said and lifted her daughter up into her arms so that Frost was finally able to stand up from the floor again. "See J, Daddy is not always the easier word" she snapped at her boyfriend. Mr J let out a low growl before he turned his attention back to Frost. "What are you doing here? I didn't order for you" he snapped at his right hand.

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