Chapter 71

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Joker's POV

"I can't wait to show you my toys!," J grinned and enjoyed the look of fear on Griggs' face as he opened his suitcase full of torture instruments. Meanwhile Tommy and Iwan made sure that Griggs' ropes were tight enough so that he couldn't escape the Joker's infamous fury.

"Ohhh, you have no idea how long I planned to kill ya," J said, laughing all the way as he carved his knife into Griggs' chest slowly. The prick immediately cried out in pain and his cries were definitely music to J's ears. The Joker brought his face closer to the man who was responsible for the death of his first child. "Do you regret it?," he asked while he continued to torture him painfully slow by stabbing him several times. Griggs looked at J with disgust and hatred in his eyes. "I only did my duty..."

"YOUR DUTY?," J yelled in his face what made Griggs flinch.

"I just protected the city. Your offspring would have caused only more mayhem," he said through clenched teeth while glaring at the Joker. "You can kill me if you want but I certainly don't regret what I had to do in order to save the lives of many people."

J suddenly punched him so hard in the face that everyone in the room could hear Griggs' nose breaking. "You know," J whispered and learned forward so that he was close to Griggs' ear. "You failed. Neither did you destroy me nor my Queen."

"But I made you suffer," he replied, coughing blood. "And that is enough for me."

J growled and glared at the man being tied up in front of him. "You're gonna regret that. I'll make you suffer more than anyone," J said and grinned at Griggs, obviously thinking about all the torture methods he would use on that bastard.

"You're a monster," Griggs hissed. "Just like your bitch and the little psychopath you had knocked her up with."

J finally had enough.

He grabbed Griggs' chin forcefully while Tommy handed his boss another knife that he now buried deep between Griggs' legs. The pain was so extremely painful for him that tears started to well up in his eyes. But J wasn't finished yet. That fucker deserved much more torture for everything he did to the King and Queen of Gotham City.

"A mother can already feel her baby moving when she's four months pregnant," J told Griggs and thought about the moment with Sienna as both of them had been relaxing in their bed after a long day and she had felt Maisie moving for the first time.

Griggs' eyes widened. "How—how do you know that? Did you read books or something?," he asked with a mocking tone in his voice while being obviously in distress. J glared at him, pulling on his hair with such a force that Griggs' face constricted in pain. "No, I know that because — how did you call it again? — I knocked her up and became a Dad a year ago," J said, both glaring and grinning at Griggs who's jaw nearly dropped to the ground.

"What?," he heard a female voice say and turned around to Klara. The girl was sitting up on the couch again, leaning against Frost and looking at J with wide eyes. "Sienna was pregnant?," she asked, totally surprised.

J growled. "Shut up. We're not talking about this now," he snapped and turned his attention back to Griggs who now looked up at him with a fearful expression as J took several different torture instruments out of his suitcase. "You failed, Captain," the Joker said, grinning from ear to ear. "Any last words?"

"Hey, wait! Let me explain—," Griggs started but J cut him off as he suddenly chattered his kneecap with a huge hammer. Griggs cried out in pain and begged the King of Gotham City to stop his torture but J only smirked, obviously liking what he heard. "But I just started!"

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