Chapter 47

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Sienna's POV

All of them were sitting at the huge table, celebrating Thanksgiving for the first time together. Sienna looked down at Maisie in her arms before she spoke up: "I'm thankful for the beautiful family I have. For our daughter being a happy and healthy child, for you two being here with me now and for the big help you have been past the last weeks, Frost," she said and smiled at J's right hand. Frost returned her smile. "I'm thankful for your invitation and that we mastered the last six weeks without any complications."

"And I'm thankful for the food being finally finished," J said. "I'm dying over here."

Sienna narrowed her eyes at him and he looked back at her before an annoyed sigh escaped his lips. "And of course I'm thankful for my Queen and daughter being here and the little Pumpkin smashing her toy into the salad. Thank you, princess. I hate healthy stuff," J said and grinned at Maisie who then started to smile. Sienna sighed but she couldn't help smiling at the scene before her eyes.

She leaned forward and kissed her boyfriend. J flashed her a smile as well and then started to carve the turkey.

Sienna noticed that her daughter yawned and quickly got up from her chair to put her to sleep in her room. She covered her small body with a blanket and after she gave Maisie a kiss on her forehead, she returned back to J and Frost who had already started eating.

"This is delicious, doll," said J and let out a purr. Sienna smiled at him before she started to eat as well.

Her appetite was finally getting back again. After the birth Sienna had felt unbelievable exhausted and tired all the time but to be honest, this hasn't really changed. Maisie was just six weeks old and even though she started to sleep longer than usual now, her daughter still kept her awake for many hours. It was kind of frustrating that she slept more during the day than at night. That was why Sienna took a nap whenever she could because J would probably never get up at night when Maisie started to cry again.

She really had to talk with him about that.

But for now they were enjoying their Thanksgiving together. The dinner was beautiful and J seemed to be much more relaxed than usual. It was always great for Sienna to see him so carefree. He even started to laugh as Frost told them a joke.

All in all it was a good day.

Frost helped her to clean up after the dinner and both of them didn't take long until everything looked just like before. As Sienna returned to the living room she noticed J napping on the couch and decided to join him after Frost left.

She accompanied him to the front door. "Thanks for staying," she said and smiled at the henchman. Frost returned it and nodded his head. "It was a pleasure, really."

"You can also celebrate Christmas with us," she suddenly suggested and noticed that Frost didn't expect her saying that. He was speechless for a second but regained his composure quickly. "I'm not sure if Mr J wants me around—"

"But I do," Sienna said and looked him straight in the eyes. "And Maisie thinks the same."

Frost raised an eyebrow. "How do you know that?"

Sienna smiled. "I'm her mother, Frost. And didn't you notice it? She has grown more and more attached to the people around her and is cooing and kicking with pleasure whenever she sees J and me. It's the same with you. We're her favorite people."

Frost looked at her with wide eyes and then a small smile formed on his lips. "Wow, I didn't notice that. I'm sorry."

Sienna laughed. "Don't apologize or J will hear you. You know how much he hates apologies."

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