Chapter 70

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Frost's POV

The streets were just a blurry façade which was rushing by in front of the car window as Frost was passing nearly every red light on their way to Chicago. His mind was empty, there was only one thought which was running through his head: Klara. Hold on, baby I'm finally coming for you.

He couldn't wait any longer, and the closer he got to Chicago and the house in which she was kept as a prisoner by Griggs, the more he just wanted to hold her into his arms again. He would finally get her back.

His heart was racing in excitement but also because of fear.

What if he was coming too late?

What if she was dead already?

What if Griggs killed her just in this second?

He couldn't get her scream out of his head, it was the most horrible thing he had ever heard and he had experienced a lot of awful stuff in his life.

No she was strong, she would make it until he would have her back in a few minutes.

Sienna said it herself. She wouldn't let Griggs kill her, not without fighting for her life.

Just hold on, love. I'm on my way.

"When are we there?" Mr J asked, letting out a low dangerous growl whilst keeping his suitcase – in which all his weapons were still waiting for Griggs – close to his chest. "Five minutes, boss" Frost said with a tensed voice. He also couldn't wait to let this bastard suffer. The asshole who might be abusing Klara right in this moment.

Don't think about it, you will have her back in a few minutes and she will be fine ... hopefully.

"There it is" Frost suddenly said and he could hear his own heart pounding against his chest like a beating drum. There it was, the house in which Griggs was abusing Klara for god knows how long now, the lights were still turned on what meant he must be home.

Another black SUV just like the one Frost was already driving stood in front of the house as well and Frost and Mr J recognized Tommy and Iwan waiting for them, leaning against the car as if they were just chilling some time off.

"Finally" Mr J growled.

He was the first one who got out of the still a tad driving car but Frost really could understand his boss' need to kill Griggs. Frost wanted him to suffer for what he did to Klara at least as much as Mr J for what he did to Sienna.

"Are ya ready?" Mr J asked Tommy and Iwan. Both henchmen were nodding their heads as Mr J motioned for Frost to shoot the door open, but before he could do so another bloodcurdling scream made Frost stop dead in his tracks. It was Klara's voice again and this time it sounded even worse than a few hours ago as he had heard her screaming on the phone.

This time it sounded like Griggs was torturing her to death.

Klara's POV

She was screaming and fighting against Griggs' weight but there was no use behind it. He was too strong by holding her down on the bed. Klara got slapped multiple times again, her nose was bleeding and this time he was even trying to do more ...

"Come on baby, don't be like that, you really enjoyed this once, remember?" he said, smiling down at her whilst ripping her little black dress apart that he bought her to her twentieth birthday last year.

"No! LET ME GO!!" Klara still fought back at him with a tear stained face. She couldn't believe what he was just about to do with her.

"SHUT UP!" Griggs suddenly yelled at her, giving her another slap all across the face before he even tried to rip her bra apart but this time Klara pulled the last rest of her strength together and kicked her abusive boyfriend in the balls.

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