Chapter 20

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Frost's POV

Don't you dare to lay a hand on her, you bastard!

Frost felt the anger and the madness taking over him, as soon as he saw what Two-Face goons were about to do with Klara.

Four of the other goons still kept him on the ground as well, but as soon as he heard Sienna yelling in the background and this asshole towards Klara was already about to open up his belt, it didn't matter anymore how many people held him captive. She belonged to him and everyone who should even think about doing something to her would end up dead, no matter what.

Klara's POV

"No, no, let me go!" Klara screamed trying to fight against the three goons who pushed her to the ground and held her so that she couldn't move anymore.

She had never felt that scared in her whole life, but no matter how hard she fought against them, they were too strong for her to beat them all.

Klara whined as one of the goons ripped the right side of her dress to get a better view of her lower body. She could still hear Sienna yelling for her whilst Klara was preparing herself for the worst.

Gladly she gave her virginity to the man she loved, a long time ago. So they were at least not able to take this away from her as well.

"Looks tight, guess she's still a virgin" one of the men grinned and Klara just closed her eyes in disgust.

You wish, fucker, she thought all by herself.

"Now be a good girl and take my cock." The third goon positioned himself in front of her, unbuckling his belt while tears were streaming down her face. She already prayed to god for mercy but right when she was about to start begging, the goon who was only inches away from raping the young girl was tackled to the ground and got finally knocked out by a very mad looking Frost.

He wanted to reach his hand out for her to take it but right in that moment one of the other goons that took a hold of Klara before, now slammed his knife into Frost's waist.

"NO!" Klara's screaming interrupted the sudden silence and within half of a second the girl, kicked the last man who held her in the balls and ran towards the one that just stabbed Frost into the waist before she kicked the knife out of his hand and rammed it in his neck.

"Baby" she whispered in a sob kneeling down besides Frost and pressing her hands onto his wound. "Don't die on me, please." Tears were streaming down her face like a river when Frost started stroking her cheek carefully to calm her down. "It's not that bad ..." he said.

Two-Face behind them suddenly made a low growling noise what reminded Klara a tad at Mr J for a second.

She turned around to face him, still not letting go of Frost and his wound but with a hate filled glare for Two-Face.

"This wasn't part of the plan" he said slowly moving towards Sienna until he was close enough to grab a strand of her hair and pull her to the feet by it, what made her cry out in pain loudly. "It's really a shame that you can't remember our beautiful time together" he said pushing Sienna in the middle of the room.

"Well change of plans." And a few steps later Two-Face dragged Klara away from Frost as well. "Get your dirty hands off me!" Klara yelled fighting against his grip but Two-Face didn't even listen. As soon as he pushed her towards Sienna he cupped Klara's face into his hands and stroked it gently with his thumbs but Klara just glared at him with pure disgust and hate in her eyes.

"You have to make a decision, my dear" Two-Face said before she could even try to curse him. "Just decide ... who's more important to you." The man that was former known as Harvey Dent first looked at Sienna and then at Frost before he finally put a gun into Klara's small hands. Her mouth opened slightly and she closed her eyes for a second.

Live or DieOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz