Chapter 76

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Klara's POV

Playing with Maisie was remedy for Klara's abused soul. The little one gave her such a warm and beautiful feeling, whenever she smiled at her or started to play with her red curls.

Maisie was sitting on Klara's lap as Frost entered the living room. He just came back from work. Smiling down at Klara Frost watched how Maisie handed Klara one of her toys so that she could play with her further. "Hey" he said.

"Hey, how was your day?" she asked.

"Stressful, like always" he grinned. "What about you?" he asked back before Maisie finally recognized him, after taking her eyes off the toys she was just sharing with Klara. "Tree!" she said, while Klara was helping her to get to her feet, so that Maisie could run towards him to hug his right leg.

"She really has a thing for you" Klara smiled and her heart melted at the sight of Frost picking Maisie up into his arms and sitting down with her besides his girlfriend. He really could be a great father in the future.

"My day was good, Sienna and I were talking about a few things that happened while I was gone and she allowed me to play with Maisie" Klara added to the question he asked a few seconds earlier.

"She seems to like you a lot as well already" Frost said as Maisie made some attempts to go back to Klara and keep playing with her. "Yes, she's so adorable and I'm very glad she accepted me that fast" Klara responded.

Frost's POV

Frost couldn't keep his eyes off Klara while she was playing with Maisie. She seemed so happy as if all the things that had happened yesterday and all the months before never took place. It looked like Maisie was keeping her away from all the bad thoughts just with her presence and Frost couldn't help but imagine how it would be for him and Klara to have an own child.

Klara would definitely enjoy being a mother and being a dad was also something Frost could imagine now way more often. But he doubted that he would be a good father. His past and the job he was doing ... that wouldn't fit with taking care of a little baby and Frost was way too scared about everything that could possibly go wrong. He didn't want his future daughter or son to end up in big trouble just because of him.

But what if Klara would want a child someday?

She was so good with handling Maisie even though they knew each other for only a day now. Klara was obviously supposed to be a mother someday in the future.

And Frost?

Would he be a good dad?

Would he be able to show their child the love he had never received when he was a young boy?

Or would he make the same horrible mistakes his stepfather did when the time would come?

Frost tried to get rid of this thought immediately. He had sworn himself that he would never think or speak of this bastard ever again, after what he did to him and his mother ...

"Baby, are you alright? You look so deep in thoughts?" Klara asked as she recognized her boyfriend being so silent for more than ten minutes.

Klara was carrying Maisie into her arms, a sight which was ejecting Frost into a time far in the future where she would stand in front of him with a child that could most likely be their son or daughter. Her face was lightning up in happiness, while both of them, - his child and her - would welcome him home from work. Klara would hand him his son or daughter and he would hug the little child whilst looking at the girl who would finally be his wife, with the beautiful delicate wedding ring on her finger that matched perfectly with the engaging ring which he had bought her for Christmas last year ...

"Yes ... yes I'm fine, I'm just tired and very happy to have you back again" Frost said, looking the love of his life in the eyes and kissing her after he got up from the ground as well.

Klara's POV

Later this night Frost and Klara were lying in bed together in Frost's room, talking about all the things that happened while they were apart from each other. "I've sent you a hundred of messages when you were gone, mostly on special days like Christmas, Thanksgiving or ... your birthday" Frost said silently.

Klara was close to crying again. If she had only known about him loving her that much ...

"I'm sorry ... I shouldn't have changed my number ..." she whispered.

"That's not your fault. I made you leave ... I didn't let you a choice ..." he answered, stroking her cheek softly.

"Whatever, I'm back and everything is good now, only that counts" Klara said, kissing him. "You know ... I've thought about you on Christmas as well. I missed you so much that I walked into the garden late at night and started to build a snowman that I called Frosty. I even made him his own little snow angel, so that he wouldn't be lonely ..."

Frost looked at her with the most heartbreaking smile that Klara had ever seen, whipping away the tears which were falling down her cheeks now with his thumb. "I'm so sorry for letting you wait that long" he whispered.

Klara shook her head slightly. "You never gave me up, I couldn't have asked for more."

"Anyways since I wasn't there ... how was Maisie's birth for you? I guess it was your first time experiencing something like this."

Frost smiled remembering how he was slowly freaking out after Sienna got into labor, but there had been one thing that had kept him calm when things got serious before Mr J finally arrived.

"It was a huge shock at first. I mean I knew that she was only a few days away from giving birth to Maisie but then we were home alone, Mr J went out for business and Sienna suddenly got into labor. At first she thought it was just false alarm but then I had to bring her to the medical quarters and the doctor told us that Maisie was about to arrive. I really had no idea what to do. I called the boss first of course and he told me he would be there soon, but you can imagine that this didn't calm Sienna down and I really could understand her in that moment. Everything happened so fast and I felt so lost in the situation until ..." He stopped for a second and smiled at his girlfriend as he remembered how her voice had led him through the whole birth. She wasn't present in person, but the thought of her was and that was what saved his ass in this moment.

"Until what?" Klara asked curiously.

"Until your voice made me go through this without making any bad mistakes. When Sienna was close to finally giving birth to Maisie your voice told me to stay calm and tell her what she has to do to make everything go well."

"Oh baby ... I wish I could've been there ... I guess that's the kind of mistake I won't ever forgive myself" Klara said, wrapping her arms around Frost's neck to hug him tight. "If there will ever be a next time. I'll be there. I'll never leave this place again, as long as I live."

"That's what I wanted to hear" Frost said, nuzzling his face into her cherry red curls, finally breathing in her perfect scent. That smell of cherry's and wild herbs.

Since he knew her she had never changed the shampoo that she was using, and he had never known a person who had such a beautiful and unique fragrance around herself. He would always be able to recognize her in a room out of thousand people. She was the one for him, the one with whom he wanted to spend the rest of his life.

"I've seen you on New Year's Eve" he suddenly said.

"What? Where?" Klara asked, being totally surprised.

"In a club a few minutes before midnight. I was searching for you back then and got distracted by the clock that showed there were only a few minutes left until New Year and then you passed me. I wanted to run after you, as soon as I recognized it had been you but the room was too full and I lost you just a few seconds later ... I still hate myself for that."

"Oh my god ... I remember that moment. I streaked your hand ... if I only had looked up to you ... We were so close and yet so far away from each other" Klara whispered.

Frost looked at Klara once again, kissing her passionately as if he wanted to tell her that something like this won't ever happen another time. "I love you, Klara."

"I love you too, baby."

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