Chapter 21

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Joker's POV

J paced the hallway of the medical quarters while being deep in thoughts. He was restless and he couldn't focus on anything other than his girl.

God, why did he care so much?

He knew the answer but he'd never say it out loud. But J was sure that Sienna was aware of his feelings anyway. Well, the old Sienna with her memories...Would she get them back someday? J didn't know. Even though he started to get used to this version of her, he still preferred the girl she used to be. This wild and strong woman who no one should mess with.

J missed her so bad.

But now he feared to lose her once and for all.

He still couldn't believe what Klara did to his Queen and therefore he promised himself that if his girlfriend would die, Klara would be the one to pay for it. She couldn't get away with this...

"Mr J?," he heard a female voice say.

J turned his head and almost ran over to the doctor. He narrowed his eyes at her and she looked away for a second because she couldn't hold his intense glare. "We were able to remove the bullet and managed to stabilize her. She should wake up any moment—"

"Should?," asked J with a dangerous voice.

The doctor shivered. "We...we can't say that for sure..."

J growled and pushed her out of the way to get into the room to his Queen.

It was the same room and bed she woke up in after Two-Face and his goons dropped her at his door.

J slowly walked over to her and took a chair that stood in the corner. He sat beside her bed, watching her closely. He looked at her sleeping face and then his gaze traveled to the monitor that showed her steady heartbeat. "Stop worrying daddy so much, doll," he said and pushed a dark strand of her hair behind her ear.

He let out a sigh. "I can't even let you out of my sight for one second," he muttered and remembered the moment when Sienna was caught right in front of his eyes in his own club. J made a mental note for himself to kill the security and replace them with better ones. He couldn't risk to let something like that happen again.

J balled his hands into fists. They had made so much progress! Sienna finally started to trust him again and enjoyed his presence. For god's sake! They even had sex! And now everything was pointless. She'd probably be even more scared after she woke up and wouldn't even want to be close to him ever again.

But she had no choice in that matter.

"You'll never leave my side again, do you understand?," he suddenly growled and glared at her. J knew that Two-Face has been shot by her and he also killed all of his other goons but the Joker still had a lot of enemies who wanted to harm him or the people at his side. But he wouldn't let that happen. J would watch her every move from now on. And he didn't care if she would like it or not.

Probably not, he thought and already prepared himself for her disliking his idea.


Sienna's POV

She slowly opened her eyes. Sienna felt a numb pain in her abdomen but she knew that she had to be thankful for the meds that were trying to make it as bearable as possible. She still let out a hiss as she tried to sit up.

But a head of green hair made her stop her movements.

J had fallen asleep in his chair and his head rested on the edge of her bed. A smile formed on Sienna's lips and she gently ran her fingers through his hair.

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