Chapter 24

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Klara's POV

Klara wasn't really fond of the idea to go partying after she just survived the worst night ever How could she think of forgetting Frost when he would be there as well? Of course Sienna would help her to forget him, but Klara wasn't sure about all this.

But after she put on her little black party dress and an already excited knock echoed from her apartment door she couldn't tell Sienna anymore that she actually doesn't want to go to the club.

Klara opened the door for Sienna and the older girl hugged her tight as soon as she entered the room. "We will have fun tonight, alright? Don't even think about him anymore, he isn't worth it, if he can't see how perfect you are" Sienna said.

Klara was already about to start crying again but Sienna stopped her. "Not tonight, sweetie. This is your night. You're a free and independent woman that deserves to have a lot of fun now, okay?"

Klara smiled at her, she really was her best friend. "Okay" she answered.

"Your dress is beautiful" Klara said after she recognized that Sienna found her way back to her old revealing clothes. "Thank you, I'm finally back again" Sienna grinned wrapping an arm around Klara's shoulders to comfort her a bit and let her know that she was the reason why Sienna could wear them now.

"Is Mr J driving us tonight?" Klara asked a little surprised as she recognized the purple Lamborghini which was parked outside of the streets in front of her apartment. "Yes, I convinced him to do so" Sienna winked.

"Wow I never thought he would do that" Klara said.

"Damn right, but since it was her wish, I couldn't say no anymore, sadly" Mr J spoke in a growl while he opened the car door for his Queen. "J!" Sienna hissed. "Ignore him he's just grumpy because he has to share his car" Sienna smiled at Klara who was getting on the backseat now.

"Careful" Mr J just said and as soon as Klara slammed the door shut Mr J hit the gas pedal and drove through the streets as if he got his driver's license at a rollercoaster.

Klara had to dig her nails into the leather of her seat whilst Sienna was laughing and shouting for him to drive faster.

Mr J was laughing all the way as well and Klara just hoped she wouldn't die tonight in a god damn car crash because of the clown with the murderous driving skills. "Don't you think we should drive a little bit slower?" Klara asked.

"Oh honey, don't worry he knows what he's doing!" Sienna said happily.

Klara loved Sienna like a sister but she really doubted that and she only got convinced by this thought again as Mr J drove over three red traffic lights. "It showed red, Mr J!" Klara said and closed her eyes as they nearly seemed to crush into some innocent pedestrians.

"Quiet there on the cheap seats! My car my speed limit, alright sweet cheeks?" Mr J asked dangerously and all Klara could think of was begging to god that she would survive this journey.

To be honest, she really loved to drive fast but Mr J's driving skills were ... special!

A few minutes later Klara finally could stop praying to god, because they finally arrived at Mr J's club and she knew what she never would do ever again in her whole life: Getting into a car that was driven by a crazy green haired clown.

"Wasn't that fun?" Sienna asked Klara smiling but Klara only looked at her as if she was kidding. "Besides the fact that I really had been worried about my own life, yes quite funny" she responded with a slight smile.

"Aw isn't she cute J? Just like me when I lost my memories!"

It really was strange for Klara to have such a talkative and nearly fearless Sienna beside her now, since she was so accustomed towards the Sienna without memories, but she must admit that she really liked her real self and how she talked with Mr J, as if they really were a couple of a lifetime (what they truly were anyways).

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