Chapter 52

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Frost's POV

Frost really hadn't expected that Sienna would invite him to celebrate Christmas with them and even though that was a beautiful thought of her and even if he also had a few things to do for Mr J like every year on Christmas, this time he couldn't keep himself distracted from the things that were running through his mind.

It was Christmas and she wasn't with him, the holy day in the year that everyone should spend with someone they love and Klara was still gone. It hurt, more than all the days he had to endure before without her.

It was late in the evening when Frost was carrying another tree with himself the way up to Klara's apartment. Everything was dark in here like always since she left the city. Maybe it was corny of him, maybe even stupid but he couldn't live with the thought that she was spending Christmas somewhere else and he still hadn't found her.

Frost put the last things Klara left in her apartment into the empty wardrobe and started to build up and decorate the little Christmas tree he got in the last second from some guy at the park who was just about to close his booth.

After the tree was standing the room was fully illuminated with the most beautiful lights but this room was nothing without the person that actually belonged here.

Looking at his phone he made a photo of his done work and searched for Klara's number in his contacts. She would never see this picture but he would've felt bad if he wouldn't wish her a Merry Christmas. She still was the most important person in his life.

I brought a little Christmas to your apartment, I hope you don't mind me doing this.

I miss you, I wish you could be here now.

I wish you a beautiful Christmas wherever you are right now.

I love you, Frost.

And whilst sending her this he thought about what would happen if she would get the message even though he knew that would never be.

Would she ever come back?

Would he ever find her?

Would she be willing to come back to him if he should get the chance to talk to her?

He of course knew what he would tell her then, the first words which would leave his lips.

I love you.

From everything he had ever done wrong in his whole life, this was the thing he regretted the most. No he didn't only regret, he suffered from this, he suffered like she did, when he broke her heart, even more by now, the thought of never having her by his side again was eating him alive. Even death would be more gracious.

Still focusing on the lights of the Christmas tree Frost pulled a little present out of his suit pocket and laid it down underneath the tree. People would probably call him stupid but it didn't seem stupid for him as he had seen this ring a few weeks ago in a jewelry store. Actually he didn't even want to buy it at first but before he could've thought about it, he did. If Klara would've been here now, if they would've had the time he wished they could've had till now, he would've asked her definitely if she wanted to marry him.

But since she wasn't here Frost only took that small glistening piece of silver as a sign to not give her up no, matter how much time might trek through the land. There must be a meaning behind the fact that he found this ring which reminded him of her in the second he saw it. It was a small and petite ring, nothing big but at least as beautiful as its future owner.

Someday this ring would belong to her, and someday they would be happy again.

Frost would get her back and there was nothing that would keep him away from it.

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