Chapter 49

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Sienna's POV

As soon as she got into the purple Lamborghini, she took her phone out of her purse and wanted to text Frost but a pale hand snatched it out of her hands. Sienna looked at her boyfriend in surprise and noticed him narrowing his crystal blue eyes at her. "It's just the two of us now, doll," J growled and put her phone into his silver blazer before he turned on the engine.

She gave him a look. "Give me my phone back, J. Frost needs to be able to call me!," Sienna said and crossed her arms over her chest. But J only rolled his eyes. "It's not like we won't hear it," he said and was already driving his car through the dark streets of Gotham City.

Sienna sighed and looked out of the window. She had missed spending time with only him as well but she still had a weird feeling about leaving their daughter so soon. Sienna wasn't used to be apart from Maisie for more than thirty minutes. Therefore it wasn't easy for her to just leave her alone when she was only eight weeks old. But Sienna knew how important this day was for J. The last heist had been a huge success and he wanted to celebrate it with her like usual at his club.

Even though Sienna already missed her daughter, she also couldn't deny that she was excited to spend tonight at the club again. She always had fun while being there and just the thought of rocking the dance floor again made her feel anticipated.

Sienna had started to dance and work out after she had felt fit enough after the birth. She had just desperately wanted to lose all of that overweight from her pregnancy and she almost had her old body back. It had been a real pleasure for J to watch her working out in the training rooms of the penthouse and he often joined her when Maisie took a nap again. Their shared working out time usually ended up with them having sex but since Sienna hadn't been allowed to sleep with her boyfriend for several weeks, J had quickly grown frustrated because he still wasn't used to being patient. And he would certainly never be.

But Sienna still loved him.

She turned her head away from the window and looked at J. He still had a grumpy look on his face but as soon as Sienna got closer to him, resting her hand on his thigh, his expression instantly relaxed and he let out a purr. A smirk formed on her lips. "Don't get me wrong, baby," she said. "I'm really looking forward to this evening as well."

"Good," he said shortly. "I wanna have ya for myself again. Whenever the little pumpkin calls you run over to her. I mean, what the hell?! I saw you first!"

Sienna started to laugh.

"What?," J asked, slightly annoyed.

He was truly serious.

"Are you really jealous of our daughter?," she asked in amusement.

"What? No," he growled and focused on the street again.

Liar, she thought.


They arrived at the club shortly after.

Sienna immediately moved her body to the loud music as they entered the nightclub. J put his arm around her waist and together they walked through the many people who already got out of the way for them. She always felt so powerful when she got glances of fear throwing her way and she knew that it wasn't different for J.

"I wanna dance," she smiled as they reached the private section. Her boyfriend rolled his eyes but didn't make any attempts to stop her. J took place on the comfortable cushions and waved his hand to make her understand that she was allowed to go over to the dance floor. Sienna would have also started to dance when his answer would've been no.

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