Chapter 62

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Klara's POV

It was over, she couldn't stand it anymore.

At half past eleven in the evening Klara was packing her things, the pain of missing Gotham had finally won. She would leave Griggs. But that had to happen fast, since he would be home from work soon and Klara was just about to grab her most important stuff and put it into a suitcase. She didn't know what she would do when she arrived at Gotham, if she would call Sienna or first move back into her old apartment, she just knew she had to leave this place now because it was making her go crazy.

Klara felt like a prisoner here, not able to do anything at all. She wasn't feeling good with Griggs anymore and her hometown and the people she missed the most were still calling for her in her mind. It was unbearable. She couldn't fight against it anymore or numb the pain. Her time at Chicago was over.

She was thinking about taking Griggs' car or just stealing one somewhere as she heard the sound of a jarring door right behind her. Klara froze in her actions as she wanted to lay the last two pieces of clothing into her suitcase.

Griggs was standing in the door of their shared bedroom. He was half an hour too early. "What are you doing there?" he asked her suddenly very sharply. Klara's heart was pounding in fear, his voice didn't sound calm at all. There was a bite behind it, a bite that she heard once again when they had been fighting. It was the same sound he made when he slapped her.

"Listen I need to tell you something" Klara said, trying to be sweet and calm at any cost, but she already knew that this could only go wrong. "Alright, I'm all ears" he responded, closing the door behind him and coming uncomfortably close towards her.

"I can't live here anymore ... I'm sorry I should've told you earlier but ... I want to go back to Gotham. I'm missing my friends and I feel like I'm about to die when I don't see them again. I didn't mean to hurt you or something but I don't want to live here anymore ..."

"Baby, don't you think you're overacting?" Griggs asked, putting his hand on her right cheek before he started to squeeze her chin, what was hurting her badly after a while. "No I really tried to stay, believe me but-"

"You're going nowhere, baby you're just confused that's all" he cut her off, with a sound in his voice that made a shiver run down Klara's spine. This wasn't going like she planned it. He behaved absolutely creepy ...

"No I'm not ... please let go off me. That really starts to hurt" Klara said, trying to move his hand away from her chin but before she could do so, he grabbed her harder and slammed her at the wall behind him. A sharp pain was forming at the back of her head a few seconds later and tears of panic were forming into her eyes, while she still tried to make him let go off her but his grip was too strong.

"You are not leaving me, dear. Not today" he whispered into her ear before kissing her roughly and forcing his tongue inside of her mouth. "Mhmm!" Klara was pulling at his shoulders to keep him away from touching her in any kind of way but as soon as he realized that she wasn't enjoying what he did to her anymore he lost it.




He had hit her all across the face three times, two hits against the right cheek, one against the left.

"No! No! Stop it, you promised to never hurt me again!" she shouted whilst hot tears were streaming down her face. She was pushing him away and even managed it to break free from his grip but before she could reach the bedroom door to escape this hell he pulled her back at her hair and threw her on the ground, holding her down and slapping her another two times.

"You want to leave me, huh? Just leave and never coming back? I'll tell you something, beautiful. You are never ever leaving this house again. You are mine, mine alone and if I can't have you no one has the right to have you either, did you understand that?"

"You can't cage me up here!" Klara sobbed.

Meanwhile she didn't only feel the hot tears running down her cheeks, she even could feel something warm running out of her nose and a second later she could taste blood on her lips. "Oh I can, I already did. See that door over there, love?" he asked, kissing her left cheek carefully. Klara was pulling her head away in disgust but Griggs - who was holding her down on the ground with his whole weight - pulled her back again.

"I asked you something" he hissed, slapping her again.

"Fuck you ..." Klara whispered.

She was getting weaker with every time he slapped her again, her head was buzzing and everything hurt.

"Bad girl, how about I'm punishing you for being so mean towards me lately?" he asked.

Klara didn't answer him. She knew he only wanted another reason so that he can abuse her further. "Get up please I can't breathe right!" Klara said.

"Oh I'm so sorry, dear. We don't want you to die, right?" he said and got up from her, even reaching his hand out for her to help her get up but Klara just narrowed her eyes at him and stood up on her own. But before she could even straighten her back Griggs pushed her onto the bed trying to cause her even more pain but this time Klara was faster, she could avoid his grip and managed it to save herself into the bathroom.

She locked the door and backed away from it as soon as Griggs started to hammer against it. "Open the door, sweetheart or I have to open it myself" he said.

"Leave me alone!" Klara yelled.

She hid herself behind the curtains in the little corner of the shower, wrapping her arms around her legs, still crying. She couldn't escape, the bedroom door was locked and guarded by Griggs just like the bathroom and the little window here wasn't big enough to make escaping possible, also there was no roof on which she could get to the ground outside of the house. She was locked in here, until someone would come to find her, if someone would come. Maybe she would even die here ...

Klara was thinking about letting him fall asleep first so that she could escape but he was a light sleeper, he would hear her.

Griggs had stopped punching against the door by now, what made Klara wondering what he was doing. She really hoped he wouldn't manage it to get in here and for the first time in her life since she had been a little girl she started to pray to god.

Please god, let somebody find me, please don't let him get in here, please help me ... please send me an angel, please send me an angel, please. Please send me an angel, were the same words she had prayed when her parents got killed in their own apartment while she had been hiding in her wardrobe, waiting until everything was over.

She remembered how her Mum and Dad told her to stay there until she was sure that nothing could happen to her anymore ... well nothing had happened to her but her parents were dead. The only people that ever loved her. Maybe destiny wanted her to reunite with her parents again, maybe she was meant to die here as well, through the hand of the person who once said he loved her.

Seems like I'm a person that no one will ever truly love ...

More tears were streaming down her face as she thought about Frost.

If he could see what just happened, would he help her?

At least even though he broke her heart, Klara was sure he would never have hurt her like Griggs did a few minutes ago.

How she missed Gotham, how she missed Sienna. She couldn't even call someone for help because her phone was lying in her suitcase ... She could only hope for someone who would safe her or for a quick death. How low could she go?

Klara had been the Black Shadow one and a half year before all this happened. She knew how to defend herself. She knew how to get out of dangerous situations but now she was only a stupid girl who was even too scared to open that stupid bathroom door and to escape the man that just beat her up.

How could she have been so stupid and trust him?

Why did she even leave her home town?

She was a stupid little idiot, was all she could think about herself and that she maybe even deserved the death for being so naïve and careless.

Please somebody help me ... just help me ...

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