Chapter 75

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Sienna's POV

She came to a stop in front of Frost's room in which she also suspected her friend. Without hesitating Sienna knocked at the door, waiting for a response. "Klara, are you there?," she asked loud enough for them to hear her. But it wasn't the young girl who opened the door. It was Frost.

"Morning," she said and looked at the henchman. "I need to talk to Klara," Sienna insisted and Frost nodded shortly before letting her into his room. She noticed her friend sitting on the edge of the large bed, not even looking up as Sienna entered. Therefore she immediately noticed that what J must have said terribly hurt her.

Sienna walked over to Klara and sat on the bed beside her but the girl still didn't look her in the eyes what started to deeply worry Sienna. "Klara," she said and took her hand. "What did he say to you?," she asked quietly and it was obvious that she meant J of course. Klara finally looked at her and Sienna recognized that she had cried because her eyes were red and puffy and still teary. "He said he doesn't want me to be here because Maisie shouldn't grow up with the ex-girlfriend of her sibling's murderer...", she quietly muttered under her breath but Sienna could still hear her. And she was shocked. "He said what?!"

"But he's right, Sienna!," said Klara all of a sudden. "I can't even blame him for thinking that way because every time I look in the mirror I see Griggs as well and it's haunting my dreams..."

Sienna looked at her in disbelief. "Listen, Klara," she said, making sure to have her friend's attention. "You didn't kill our baby! Jesus, you didn't even know about all this. And I certainly don't think like J does. You know how he is. He always has his own special opinion. So don't listen to a single word he says."


"No, Klara. You're not responsible for what happened because you are a victim. You had to suffer under Griggs' hands as well. The bruises and nightmares are a proof for that. So stop blaming yourself. You can't change the past but you can start to accept and live with it. And now come with me."

Klara looked at her in surprise. "What?"

"I've seen the beautiful breakfast you've made for us and I really appreciate the effort. It would be a shame if we would just ignore it," Sienna said and got to her feet, waiting for Klara and Frost at the door to join her. The couple exchanged a look before Frost spoke up: "She's right, baby. Come on," he said and she took his hand reluctantly. "But what about Mr J?," Klara asked and the fear in her voice was clearly hearable.

"Don't worry. I'm with you now and J has to accept you someday anyway," Sienna said before all of them made their way up to the penthouse again.

They met J in the living room, playing with Maisie on his lap. He turned around as he heard the front door being opened. Sienna waved for him to come over and he quickly got to his feet, carrying Maisie in his arms. But the look on his face soon changed as he laid his eyes on Klara. "What's she doing here, doll?," he asked with a low growl but he soon got interrupted as Maisie suddenly tried to imitate him. She only managed a little purr in the end but J and Sienna were equally excited and proud.

"Awww, she has that from you!," Sienna smiled and J was obviously proud, grinning at their little daughter with pride and excitement. "You're a Daddy's girl, aren't ya, Pumpkin?," J purred and rocked Maisie in his arms. The little one purred as well and wrapped her arms around her father's neck, kissing his face everywhere.

Sienna grinned. Her boyfriend totally forgot about Klara being present because he got distracted by their little daughter who wanted to have his attention so badly.

As she made her way back to Klara and Frost, the young girl was smiling at her. "I didn't know Mr J could be so calm and sweet," she said and Sienna nodded her head, smiling as well. "Only around Maisie and me. Watch closely because you won't see it often."

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