Live a Little.

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Selena POV:

“Honey, Justin’s here!” Mom yelled from downstairs. I stood in front of the mirror, rethinking my blue sundress decision. Running my fingers through my hair, I took a deep breath and walked downstairs.

“Wow, Sel.” Justin started, smiling as I approached him in the entryway.

“You guys have fun.” Mom smiled before giving me a hug.

“I’ll have her back by eleven.”

“I like him already.” Brian laughed, coming up behind Mom.

Justin took my hand and led me outside. ”Hi.” I giggled.

“You look beautiful, by the way.” He looked at me and I couldn’t help but blush. He grinned at my reaction and opened the car door.

“Thanks.” I replied, holding onto my dress as I slipped inside the Range Rover. He got in the driver’s seat and turned on the radio.


Selena POV:

Justin and I had just finished dinner when he brought up the idea of walking on the beach. We jumped back into the car and drove to a beach that Justin knew of.

“This is nice.” I smiled, my bare feet digging into the cold sand.

“It is. I’m glad you agreed to do this.” He replied. We were standing close and I occasionally bumped his hand with mine. After what felt like the five hundreth time I ran into him, he grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers.

“I’m glad, too. This, it feels right.”

He nodded then smirked, “It does. You know, you get more beautiful by the minute.”

I laughed before joking, “Jay! Can you turn the charm off for two seconds?”

“Nope, I’m too full of swag for that.”

“Oh lord.” We both laughed and he squeezed my hand.

“Here.” he spoke before dragging me into the water.

“What? I’m going to get all wet!”

“Come on, live a little.” he joked, rolling up his pant legs, letting go of my hand and running into the dark water. I hesitantly walked into the water. Oh, what the heck.

I ran into the water, my dress becoming heavy and cold. We splashed around in the water for twenty minutes before we found ourselfs laying in the water. Soaked from head to toe, we were asking eachother about our previous relationships.

“When I was with Taylor [Lautner], we didn’t do anything exciting. Or anything at all for that matter.” I half laughed.

Justin’s eyes pierced mine. “That’s too bad. He wasted something good.”

“But if he didn’t, I wouldn’t be here with you.” I poked his arm slightly and he smiled.

“Very true, Gomez.” He paused before adding. “Would it be bad if I said I’m happy he broke your heart?”

I hesitated with the answer before whispering “You won’t break my heart, right?”

“Never. I like you too much.” He replied. I could see the sincereness in his face as it leaned closer to me. His soft lips touched mine and sparks flew. We kissed for a few minutes before a wave of water knocked us over.

“My hair!” he shrieked, causing me to die of laughter.

“Hey, it’s not funny!”

“Oh, but it is.” I choked out, still recovering. I was about to laugh again when I felt his lips on mine. I felt him smile in the kiss when I wrapped my arms around his neck. I couldn’t help but feeling that this is just the beginning.

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