Compilation.. Part 3.

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“Voulez vous coucher avec moi ce soir…” Selena giggled as the words tumbled from her lips. Her eyes were bright and wide as she let out a breathy laugh and bounced slightly on the bed. 

“Dirty!” Justin gasped playfully. He crawled towards her on the bed, his eyes dark with desire. 

“Giuchie, Giuchie, ya ya…” she smiled teasingly, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear and biting her lip. Justin planted an arm on each side of her body, leaning in close and breathing against her jaw. He placed a wet kiss against her skin and gently lowered his body onto her own.

“If you’re gonna sing the song, you better have the moves to back it up,” he whispered, his lips grazing the corner of her mouth. Selena buried a hand in his hair, dragging her nails through the light locks. 

“Oh, I have the moves!” she declared confidently. 

“Prouver qu’il,” he challenged, his voice soft but firm. Selena raised an eyebrow, her nose twitching with confusion. 

“I only speak the Moulin Rouge version French,” she explained. Justin laughed quietly and kissed her lips. His tongue quickly darted into her mouth, savoring her taste. 

“You’re adorable,” he mentioned, pulling away to look at her fully. 

“Merci!” she grinned proudly. 

“I should be the one thanking you,” he noted, moving off of her body and sliding next to her. He swung one arm over her lower stomach and rested his head in the crook of her neck. 

“For what?” she wondered, her hand resting comfortably against his hair.

“For being with me. For staying with me,” he clarified. “I know that you’re exhausted and that moving from country to country every other day is hard. But you’re doing it to support me. And that, that means a lot Sel…” he finished quietly. 

“I like being with you. Even though you’re a pain in my ass, it’s nice to see you for more than a day or two at a time,” she admitted, a small smiled tugging at her lips. 

“Things have been insane lately. The traveling, the rumors, everything. I think you might be the only thing keeping be sane,” he sighed, closing his eyes and breathing her scent.

“I hate to break it to you babe, but you are no where near sane,” she grinned. Justin laughed and raised his head slightly to look at her face. 

“So now you speak French and have jokes?” he scoffed. 

“Oui, oui!” she giggled. 

“Damn. You’re even sexy when you speak French badly,” he sighed, dropping his head and kissing her collar bone sloppily.  

“Speaking of sexy, why haven’t you been speaking French to me? It’s awkward and weird when I speak French, but it’s hot when you speak it,” she smiled as his hand crept under her shirt and rubbed her bare stomach softly. 

“Voulez vous coucher avec moi ce soir…” he teased, placing several kissed along her neck. 

“Oui, oui!” she laughed quietly. Her breath hitched as she felt his tongue slide along her skin. He pressed an open mouthed kiss to her throat before sucking the skin above her quickening pulse. She closed her fist in his hair, tugging him closer and closing her eyes.

“Parfaite. You are perfect,” he mumbled, his hand moving along her stomach to find the waist of her pants. 

“I love you,” she muttered, her body buzzing with energy. Justin pulled away to tug her pants down slightly. She arched her back and shifted until he was able to pull the material off of her completely. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2012 ⏰

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