One shot

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“Justin.” Selena whined over the phone. “Let me listen to it already!”

“Babe, it’s almost midnight. Listen to it then.” He laughed.

“No, I wanna listen to it right now!” She said trying to convince him into giving in.

“Why should you listen to it before anybody else?” He scoffed.

“Because I’m your girlfriend! C’mon, your whole crew has listened to it, why can’t I?”

“You’re so annoying.” He rolled his eyes. 

“This better be worth it!”

“It will, I promise.”

“So what do you think?” Justin asked eagerly as the song finished in the background.

“It was… all right.” Selena smiled messing with him.

“Justin all right? Not even ‘good’?” Justin sighed.

“I’m kidding, Jay. I love it.” She sighed happily as she laid in bed and replayed the song. “I wonder who it’s about…” she bit her bottom lip holding back a smile.

“I don’t really know, I mean, there is this one girl…”

“Oh yeah, and who might that be?” Selena asked playing along.

“Well she’s beautiful and has an amazing laugh and she makes me happy.”

“That’s cute, I wish you all the best.”

“Thank you, Sel I wish you all the best with your amazingly talented boyfriend as well.”

Selena laughed. “I miss you babe.” She admitted as she played with her hair. The distance was killing the both of them at this point

“I miss you too but we’ll be back together soon. KCAs, how about that, sound like a date?”

“Sounds like a date.” She grinned. “And maybe some fondue afterwards?” She asked.

“Whatever you want baby.” He chuckled.

“I love you.”

“I love you too. Now go get some sleep, I’m sure you’re tired after running around in a bikini all day and taking random pictures.”

“I was working.” She defended.

“Whatever you say.”

“Sing to me.” She whispered.

“You want me to sing to you?” He asked.


“Ok…” he started to sing and by the end of the song Selena was almost asleep. She loved hearing Justin sing to her. It was amazing how even thousands of miles away from each other they could make each other so happy just by having one simple phone conversation. It probably didn’t mean anything to other people but it meant the world to them.

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