Sand Prints on my Heart.

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Knock, knock, knock.

“Coming!” Demi screamed, walking from the kitchen to her apartment’s front door. She opened the door to her brunette best friend, smiling wide and practically jumping with joy.

“Demz!” Selena cried.

“What’s up?” She moved to the side so her friend could come in.

“Well…” she trailed off before waving her ring finger in the air. Demi’s eyes widened as she saw the rock, bouncing off every light fixture in the room.

“Oh my god, Selena!” Demi cried, running into her friend’s arms. They jumped up and down like little kids until Demi went to make hot chocolate. It was the first time in months they had seen eachother, considering their busy schedules. Selena and Justin were vacationing in New York while Justin was recording a new music video.

Minutes later, they were on the plush couch, talking about future wedding planning.

“So tell me the whole story.” Demi smiled, turning her body to face her friend.

Selena sighed with a smile and spoke, “Okay..”

…..Flashback (Earlier that Night)…..

Justin and Selena had been dating for five years and today would be the day Justin would propose. His hands sweaty and his legs shaking, the couple walked along the beach. The small ring box in his pocket seemed like a spotlight everytime Selena looked at him. ”Baby, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” Justin replied, gulping.

“You’re quiet.” She smiled as he squeezed her hand.

Justin didn’t reply but stopped walking and bent down in the sand. Carefully with his finger, he wrote their initials in the sand.

“Aww.” Selena cooed, smiling. “Here.”

She bent down next to him and took her newly polished finger and drew a heart around their names. Justin leaned over and kissed her head. “My turn. Don’t look.”

Her eyebrows raised and Justin covered her eyes. Giggles escaped her lips as Justin  ’got set-up.’ He lifted his hands off her eyes and she blinked. Looking at the sand, the letters Will U Marry Me? were written in the sand. Selena took in a breath and turned to Justin.

“Selena Marie, I love you. I don’t really know what else to say but I love you so much. Every second of the day I think about you, me, us. And I want that feeling forever. So, what I’m asking is will you be my wife?”

Blinking back tears, Selena replied. “Yes.”


She nodded, laughing. Justin’s hand glided over hers as he slipped the ring on her finger. She leaned into him, kissing him with passion. Their tongues glided over eachother’s as they battled for dominance before pulling away. Justin stood up, brushing off his pants and grabbed his fiancee’s hand to pull her up next to him. “So..”

“So..” Selena laughed before softly kissing his cheek. “We’re engaged.”

“We are.” He replied, taking her hand as they started walking back on the beach.

“I have to call my Mom. Oh, and my dad and Priscilla. And I can go by Demi’s. And..” she trailed off as Justin started laughing. “What?”

“You’re cute.”

“Well, thank you.” She giggled.

“No need to thank me. I’ll tell you that everyday if you want.”

She looked at Justin before replying. “I don’t need compliments. I just need you.”

“You’ve got me. Forever and always.”

……End Flashback…..

By the end of the story, Demi was almost crying tears of joy. “I’m so excited for you!”

“Thanks, babe.” Selena replied, pulling her best friend in for another hug. Pulling away and taking a sip of her cocoa, Selena stood up. “Well, it’s been fun, but I think I should get back to the hotel.”

“Okay, Sel. Tell your fiance I said hi.” She giggled.

“Trust me, I will.”

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