A Satisfactory Distraction.

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It had been exactly one year and a half to the day since Justin and Selena had been going out. They were at the Kids Choice Awards 2012, and naturally, Justin Bieber and beloved girlfriend were invited and expected. So there they were, Justin, seated next to Selena at their seats with Alfredo, Justin’s best friend, and Scooter Braun, his manager, a little further down.

Unfortunately, the event was exceedingly dull. There was a great deal of protocol and tradition to attend to, and by the time it was nearing the end, even the camera man was standing with his half-lidded eyes, his chin resting on his hand and his elbow on a table.

Of the four of them, Justin was the first to get bored, and since then he’d been torturing Selena through half the event.

“Justin…” Sel warned under her breath, blushing slightly as he ran his fingertips up and down her bare arm. His eyes were still focused on the performance, but he was smirking with mischief. He had moved his chair closer to her around an hour ago, and since then he had been tickling her and touching her in any way he could without moving too much and drawing attention to himself.

Unfortunately for Selena, it was all she could do to keep from reacting to him, because then she would be the one drawing attention. This was a game, and she wasn’t going to let her boyfriend win without a fight.

Justin, still smirking, glanced over and fixed his eyes on her. She felt his gaze in a few seconds and looked at him to tell him off, but she froze, eyes locked onto his, and blushed deeply. There was heat in his gaze that made her breath catch in her throat. She tore her eyes from his and exhaled slowly. He grinned.

“Don’t look at me like that,” she hissed out of the corner of her mouth.

“Like what?” he whispered innocently, reaching behind her and trailing his fingers along the nape of her neck.

“Like you’ve seen me naked.”


Jay,” she shot him another warning glance. He just grinned triumphantly. She rolled her eyes, resisting the urge to shiver at his touch, and they both fell silent and still, turning back to the performance.

Alfredo and Scooter glanced over in surprise a few minutes later when Selena jumped, clasping a hand over her mouth to stop from making noise. She turned on Justin, eyes blazing.

“Don’t do that,” she hissed.

“What, this?” Justin asked, feigning innocence again as he slid his hand along her thigh, starting at her knee and travelling up…

She batted his hand away. “Yes, that!”

His smirk never left his face, triumphantly narrowed eyes still on the performance as it drew to a close. He tried to touch her leg again, but she grabbed his hand to stop him. He didn’t miss a beat, sliding his fingertips along her palm.

It tickled in an extremely satisfying way, and she had to bite her lip to stop from laughing. Biting her lip didn’t keep the blush from her face, however.

“Justin…” she sighed, sounding as though she was losing her conviction.

Luckily, at that moment, One Direction’s performance ended and everyone began to clap. Justin immediately leaned toward her, pressing his lips to her neck. Her eyes slid closed involuntarily, and she blushed again, though she couldn’t help but smile.

“Justin,” she murmured, placing a hand against his chest and pushing him away. “Stop.”

“Why? The performance is over,” he replied lowly, trying to get back to her neck. She laughed a little.

“So? We’re in the front row, everyone can see us,” she said quietly, turning toward him and bracing her hands against his shoulders to keep him at bay.

“I don’t mind if you don’t,” he said with a shrug.

“Justin, it’s rude!”

Justin sighed heavily. “But Sel, I’m bored,” he whined, sliding his fingertips up the undersides of her arms. She released his shoulders to grab his hands, and he leaned forward immediately to kiss her.

“Jay!” she scolded gently, finding it very difficult to stop him. She was bored too, after all. “We just need to find you a distraction that’s more… polite.”

He sat back, crossing his arms over his chest in disappointment. “Like what?” he grumbled.

Selena looked out over the stage. There was entrance leading backstage right behind the curtain. She grinned and grabbed his hand, hauling him to his feet.

“What?” he asked quickly, looking around as though expecting some danger to reveal itself.

She drew toward him, smirking, and whispered, “Come and dance with me.” He shivered pleasantly, feeling her lips brush his ear.

With a grin, Selena pulled him out from his seat and down to the entrance, losing themselves at once in the crowd. She led him into a secluded area, the music could still be heard from where they were standing. If they couldn’t have the kind of fun Justin wanted, this was the next best thing. He spun her expertly before pulling her to his chest, swaying to the rhythm of the music. Selena’s eyes were closed in relaxation, a light blush still coloring her cheeks. His hand was warm on her lower back, and his cheek was against hers, keeping her close enough to feel her breath on his neck.

“I think I might keep you around,” she murmured, smiling.

He snorted a little. “Why, just because I can dance?”

“That, and… a few other reasons,” she replied slyly. He smirked and kissed her cheek, lips lingering there before moving along her jaw and down toward her neck. She laughed.

“Hey now,” she said softly. “Maybe these activities are better left for a more private place.”

“Okay,” Justin said simply, pulling her off the dance floor. The two of them snuck out from backstage and into the nearest entrance to a dressing room.

Selena laughed a little in anticipation as Justin pulled her behind the door. It only took him about half a second to pin her to the wall, hands sliding down her back as he kissed her rather more energetically than usually.

She laughed against his lips, wrapping her arms around his neck to pull him closer. “You really were bored,” she muttered into his mouth.

“Told you.”

“Justin? Selena?”

The two of the jerked apart when Justin’s manager, Scooter’s voice reached them. Justin sighed, pulling away from her reluctantly. Selena let out a frustrated groan.

“Ah, there you are,” Scooter said, moving in the direction Selena’s groan had come from. “Their presenting your award, and we’re needed back to our seats.”

“Great…” Sel sighed. “We’ll be there in a second.”

Scooter shrugged and walked back out to the stadium. Selena looked at her boyfriend with a frown.

“Guess we have to go back,” she said quietly.

“Yeah…” he muttered, looking down. He looked up again a moment later, his eyes dark with mischief, and smirked at her. “But don’t worry… I can provide a satisfactory distraction once we get back to our seats.”

Selena rolled her eyes. “Not again…” she sighed, though an equally wicked grin could be found on her face when she and Justin returned to their seats.

Needless to say, the audience found Selena’s quiet, delighted laughs and Justin’s sly, throaty whispers to be rather distracting.

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