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Justin’s POV

            I was in the studio trying to put some finishing touches on a song but I couldn’t keep my mind from wondering what time it was. After every section we recorded I would ask what time it was. After about the fifth time asking Alfredo sighed at turned the mic on,

“Why are you so worried about what time it is?” he grumbled

“I sent a little something to Selena & it was suppose to be delivered at 7 & its already 7:30,” I explained

“Oh, what did you get her?” Fredo asked curiously,

“Flowers, love note, just a little something to show her my love,” I beamed looking at Fredo through the glass.

He shook his head along with the producer, who I was working with,

“You seriously know how to treat a girl Jay,” he mumbled as he glanced over his shoulder,

“You know,” I shrugged a smirk playing on my lips,

“Welp I think your girl got your gift,” he motioned his head toward my bag sitting on the couch,

“Your phone just went off,”

“Can we take a quick break?” I asked looking at the producer,

“Fine with me,” he responded & I quickly exited the booth.

            I reached into my phone & saw her name across my screen; I smiled at just the thought of her. I slid my finger across the screen exposing the message she had sent me,

 Why me?

Those two simple words showed up on my screen & I couldn’t have been more confused in my life. That wasn’t the response I was expecting & I couldn’t figure out what she meant.


I sent back trying to think of a reason she would text me that. I bounced my leg nervously as I tried to think back over the last few days to see if I had done something. I was just sending her a small loving gesture of flowers because I wanted her to know she is loved. Her name flashed across my screen again & I couldn’t open the message fast enough.

Why did you fight so hard to win me over, why am I the girl you want to give your love too? I’m nothing special.

I was at a lose for words, I didn’t understand where this was coming from & I most certainly didn’t know how to respond to something like that.

“What do I say to that, “ I whispered to myself,

“What?” Fredo asked turning his attention towards me.

“This message Sel sent me, I don’t know what to say, actually I don’t know how to put it into words.” I said facing the phone screen towards him so he could read the message.

“Oh, I guess your loving gesture didn’t work how you wanted it,” Fredo said trying to lighten the mood.

“Girls are crazy, maybe she’s just having one of those moments where she doesn’t feel good enough or something,” he shrugged just as clueless as I was.

“She should always feel good enough, she’s amazing,” I mumbled mostly to myself.

I tapped my finger on the side of the phone & then sent a message,

Baby I don’t know what’s wrong but you are extremely special, there is nobody I want to give my love to expect for you. I’m going to finish up in the studio earlier & I want to come see you, ill be there around 11 don’t go to sleep. I love you never forget that.

I read over the message once more before I pressed send & set the phone down getting up from the couch.

“Lets get as much as we can get done before 11, going to call it an early night tonight.” I said clapping the producer on the back.

Selena’s POV

            The doorbell had rang & the bouquet of flowers came pouring in, 5 bouquets to be exact. I stood off to the side as I watched 3 guys bring in the flowers & then head out the door. The last one handed me a card with my name scrawled across the envelope in what could only be Justin’s cursive writing. I thanked the men as they left & closed the door behind them; I turned my back to the door & leaned against it. Everything today had been going wrong, I couldn’t do anything right & now these flowers show up & all I wanted to do is cry. I didn’t understand why I had found such an amazing guy, why he had chosen me or why he showered me with so much love. I slowly opened the envelope & opened the simple card, inside were 3 words, I love you, those 3 words sent the tears streaming down my face. I didn’t feel like I was good enough to have him, I wasn’t anything special. I had decided to text Justin & I tell him how I felt, I could tell he was confused & worried. As I read his last text I got nervous, he was coming over late tonight to talk & I had no idea how I was going to explain to him that I didn’t feel good enough for him.



            I was sitting on my bed script in hand trying to keep my mind off of the fact Justin was going to be here in a few minutes. I was deep in focus when a knock on my bedroom door shook me out of my own world. Justin opened the door & smiled at me as he stepped through the door & closed it. Just his presents could still take my breath away at moments. I gave him a small smile & my eyes dropped to my hands in my lap. I watched out of the corner of my eye as Justin kicked off his shoes & sat cross-legged in front of me. He reached forward taking my hands softly in his & he began to play with my fingers. After a few minutes past he finally spoke,

“Are you going to tell me what’s wrong?”

I didn’t know what to say so I just shrugged my shoulders.

“Babe tell me what’s going on, what was up with that text after you got the flowers?”

Justin had reached forward putting a finger under my chin & lifted gently so our eyes could meet. Of course I was crying but trying to keep it under control,

“I don’t feel like I deserve you,” I whispered.

“Why?” he asked simply

“For one you send me flowers & I get like this, you shower me with love & I just question why you think I’m so special because I don’t see it.” I said in a rush.

He was quiet for a moment & he wiped his thumb across my cheek,

“You are everything a guy could ask for, you are caring, loveable & sometimes to nice for your own good. I love everything about you, you make me feel like a better person & like I can do anything in the world if you’re by my side.” His voice was low & full of nothing but honesty.

“I’m sorry” I whispered my eyes falling to his other hand that was in mine,

“I’m sorry I get like this, I’m sorry you have to deal with it… I’m sorry girls are crazy” I chuckled towards the end as I wiped my cheek.

He chuckled along with me & leaned forward pressing his lips to my forehead.

“Don’t ever be sorry for being yourself,”

I smiled & looked up at him & he gave me that cheeky smile that made me blush, I untangled my hand from his & placed them on his legs & leaned forward gently brushing my lips against his. His fingers found the belt loops on my pants & pulled me forward causing me to clumsily fall on top of him. I stayed on his chest running my hands through his hair as we stared at each other.

“I love you” I whispered my eyes never leaving his,

“I love you too” he said leaning up to press his lips to mine.

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