Car accident

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Justin’s POV

            “What the hell Selena?!” I yelled into my cell phone as I was walking down to the car. “oh well hello to you too.” She said confused. “Don’t act dumb with you know what im talking about.” “No really babe I don’t know?” She really didn’t know. “I saw a video of you show the last night & I saw you wrap your arm around Cameron! What the hell is up with that?” She was silent for a minute. “Justin nothing is going on, he is one of my best friends & I was just happy & I don’t know I just put my arm over his shoulder. It means nothing!” “Oh right & im just suppose to believe you?” “Yes! Youre suppose to trust me! I promise nothing is going on! I love you & would never do that to you!” “I don’t know, I know he has a thing for you & I just don’t know what to believe.” She took a deep breath, “Justin you are suppose to believe me!” “Im just suppose to believe that you putting an arm around another guy is just nothing!” I was screaming now, I was so upset, I wanted to believe that she wouldn’t do that, I knew they were friends  but I knew that Cameron liked her. “Justin please.” She said through the tears that had started, “I know I called you but I have to go, we will talk about this later. Just know I am not happy!” I climbed in the car that was taking me to the studio, “Justin please, I love you. Just believe me.” she pleaded “Bye, Sel” I pressed the end button before she could say anything else. I didn’t want to think that she was doing stuff with Cameron but it could happen.  If only I wasn’t on the other side of the states I wouldn’t think like this. But I couldn’t help it, she was gorgeous & every guy wanted her & why wouldnt she want someone that was older. I was getting more & more angry knowing they might have done things that I punched the back of the seat causing Kenny to turn around, “Sorry” I said as we pulled up to the studio.

Selena’s POV

            What was he doing? Where did this come from? He is never like this. Justin had just hung up after he blew up on me about a video of me putting an arm around Cameron & he is now thinking that me & Cameron are doing stuff behind his back. I was in no way doing that! I love Justin, Cameron was just a friend & always will be only a friend. I was crying in my hotel room just as my friend Ashley came to get me to go to a radio interview I had in an hour. “Sel! Whats wrong?” She rushed over hugging me, “Me & Justin just had a fight over the phone over a video he saw of me putting my arm around Cameron. He thinks me & Cameron are doing stuff behind his back!” Ashley’s face was shocked, “What! That’s so not true!” “ I know I tried to tell him but he didn’t listen to me! I just wish he was here so I could show him & prove to him I am not doing anything with Cameron!” Ashley handed me a tissue & grabbed my purse as we started to walk down to the waiting car. “I am sure Justin will realize how stupid he sounds after he thinks about everything a little more.” My breathing stuttered as I clamed myself, “I hope so, I love him Ashley, I really do.” “I know you do Sel, I know you do.” We were driving down the freeway trying to get to this radio interview; I was talking to Ashley more about what Justin had said. & we were now jamming out to some Bruno Mars when I looked out the front window just in time to see a truck coming right at us.

Justin’s POV

            I was in the booth recording a new part of a song with Scooters voice cut into the music, “Hey Jay your phone is going crazy, why don’t you come check it & we can take a brake.” I nodded & set down my head phones. I walked into the controls room & picked up my phone, there were 4 calls from Ashley, 2 calls from Afredo, 3 calls from Mandy & a call from Brian. “ugh why is she having them call me!” Scooter looked over at me, “Something wrong with you & Sel?” I looked at him, “We had a small fight this morning, I kind of accused her of doing stuff with that Cameron kid from All Star Weekend. & now she is having Ashley, Alfredo, Her mom & Brian call me.” Scooter looked concerned, “you really think she is doing things with him?” I took a deep breath, “No, I guess im just jealous that he is with her all the time & im not.” Scooter walked over to me putting a hand on my shoulder, “Jay call one of them back, for all 4 of them to call you in such a short amount of time maybe its important.” I hadn’t even thought of that, “yea I should.” I picked up my phone & pressed Ashley’s name since she had called the most.

            “Justin!” Ashley yelled into the phone, “Why haven’t you been answering your phone!” she sounded scared, frightened & like she had been crying, “I was in the studio, whats wrong?” She took a deep breath, “Well we were on our way to a radio interview when a drunk driver was going the wrong way on the freeway & hit us head on.” I sucked in a breath, my world was beginning to spin I managed to get out, “is she okay?” Ashley was silent for a moment, “Ashley!” I screamed, “I don’t know what happened, we must have rolled just on her side, I just..” Ashley trailed off & I heard soft sobs coming from her, “Ashley, what happened to her?” she took a deep breath, “She broke a few ribs, sprained her neck & they think she might have some internal bleeding.” I couldn’t stand anymore I dropped to the floor, “No, no, no” I continued to say, Scooter had walked over to me asking me whats wrong but I couldn’t say anything but no. Finally I managed to ask Ashley, “Is everyone else okay?” “She was the only one hurt, everyone else is fine.” I sucked in a deep breath & stood up, “Im coming out there now, ill be there in like 6 hours!” Ashley agreed, “Hurry Justin she is going to need you so much.” I hung up, turned to scooter & said, “I need a jet now!” & without question Scooter was on the phone & I was headed out the door.

Selena’s POV

            I opened my eyes & clutched my stomach in pain, every breath I took hurt. I looked around the room, Ashley was a sleep in the chair & Alfredo was on his computer over on the table. I couldn’t find my mom or Brian so I called out, “Fredo?” His head jerked up & he ran to my side, “Hey Sel, you okay? Do you need something?” I swallowed & winced at the pain, “My mom? Brian?” I asked with question. “they are out making calls I will go get them. “ He rushed out of the room, I closed my eyes trying to focus on my breathing trying to find out how deep of a breath I could take without pain. Just as I was realizing that no matter how shallow a breath it still hurt when my parents walked in. “Honey, how are you feeling?” my mom said smoothing the hair from my forehead, “it hurts to breath, & my neck is killing me.” My mom looked at Brian, “yeah its going to for a little while sweetie.” Just as I was about to talk my nurse walked in, he came to my bed side, “Hey Selena, im Justin, im going to be your nurse this evening.” The name Justin pulled at my heart, Justin, I wish he was here, I needed him but he was mad at me for something I didn’t even do.

            The nurse had left & my parents had told me what happened & what was wrong with me. I was left to try & get some rest but I couldn’t stop thinking about Justin & how much I missed him. I was flipping through channels on the tv when my room door & he walked in, “Justin” I breathed he walked over to me burying his face in my hair, “Baby” he breathed, “im so sorry” Tears rolled my cheeks, “are you still mad at me?” He looked at me, “I was stupid, I was jealous he is with you all the time. I trust you.” I smiled at him, “Thank you” I whispered. “I love you & im sorry.” He said as he leaned down & placed his lips on mine, “I love you too.” I said as I wiped a tear from his cheek. 

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