The Only Difference.

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Justin sat comfortably at the edge of the black, vintage car. The girl pressed her backside way too close to his front, his hands gliding across her waist. Their hips moving to the beat of the music and rage ran hot in my veins. It was quickly followed up by insecurity, though, and a little hurt that dashed the rage right out.

But what if Justin liked her? She was really pretty and had an amazing body. Why wouldn’t he like her? Somehow these thoughts managed to penetrate my exhausted, groggy state enough to jolt my stomach.

Justin turned himself so he was facing my chair. He had just showed me his Boyfriend video a few hours after its worldwide premiere. “While I was showing you the video…you were just sitting there staring off into space, all these different emotions just playing out over your place.” he laughed, “What were you thinking of?”

I looked sideways studying Justin’s flushed face. On an impulse, I leaned over and placed a gentle kiss to his lips.

“Just how much you mean to me,” I added, “And no offense but - I don’t like the video.”

“Oh,” He said, looking down to avoid my eyes.

“It’s just - that girl. I didn’t know she was going to be - grinding on you,” I added cautiously, glancing back at the computer screen. 

“It was just acting, baby. Don’t worry.” He met my eyes again, taking my hand in his. He stood, taking me with him. He closed the laptop and set it on the foot of his bed. 

“Okay,” I said, my thumb gliding over the back of his palm. I wasn’t completely convinced. I wanted to believe him, but the insecurity and jealousy brought it right out of me.

He spun me around, wrapping his arms around my lower waist. “The only difference between you and the girl in the video is that I’m not acting when I’m with you.”

The breath caught in my throat and I bit my lip to keep from smiling.

“If I was your boyfriend, I’d never let you go.” Justin whispered into my ear, his hot breath cascading me with every word.

This time I did smile and I moved myself away from his grasp, turning around to face him.

There was about three seconds where time seemed to freeze, everything stuck in place except for my quiet breathing and then Justin’s hands were on my waist again, pulling me closer. I strained up at the same time he dipped down and our lips met in the middle, battling fiercely from the moment they touched.

I wrapped my arms around his neck to keep him close and he wrapped his around my waist and lifted me. Justin’s teeth nipped at my lips and my legs rose of their own accord to wrap around his stomach, anchoring me to him. I nipped his lips back, careful not to break the skin, and waited for him to break the kiss, set me back down.

Justin just kissed me harder; now that my legs kept me secure against him, his hands slid down to my hips. I kissed him with all I had, like he was going away to war, which in all honesty might be a possibility in the near future. I kissed him like I had everything to lose and that everything was him.

Too caught up was I in the sensation of kissing him and being kissed by him, I didn’t notice he was walking until his shins hit the bed. It jolted us a little but Justin held me tight, chuckling against my lips. There was a brief sensation of falling as he lowered us down onto the mattress that made me clutch him closer, but I wasn’t afraid. I knew he would never let me go.

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