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“Justin, what are you doing?” Selena questioned the blonde curiously. She walked out of the bathroom to find him sitting on the hotel bed with his laptop open.

“Checking my mail,” he replied. He glanced up to see that she had changed into sweatpants and a tank top. It was so typical of Selena to put comfort first. He loved that she was confident enough to do that. 

“And tweeting?” she asking, rolling her eyes before he even answered. She knew him well enough to know that he was prone to checking the social networking site quite often. 

“Maybe,” he smiled at her cheekily. She made her way to a chair in the corner of the room and opened up her own laptop. 

“I thought we were gonna watch a movie,” she reminded him. 

“I’ll be done in a minute,” he promised. 

“Yeah right,” she muttered, glaring at him weakly. Clicking away at her own computer, she opened Twitter and swallowed the urge to check her replies. She was determined to have a good night, and checking her replies wouldn’t aid in that. 

Pulling up the video she had downloaded onto her desktop earlier, she decided to post the special moment and share it with her fans. She waited patiently as it uploaded to you tube, checking her mail to pass the time.

“Finished,” Justin announced, closing his laptop and smiling triumphantly. 

“You can pick out the movie,” she told him. “I’ll be done in a second,” she added. 

“You’re not looking at that crap again are you?” he asked, referring to the hate that was constantly filtering through her twitter. 

“No, I’m just posting something,” she assured him. He eyed her skeptically but let it go. As her video finished uploading, she typed a quick message and posted the link onto her twitter. 

“War of the Worlds?” he asked, flipping through the TV scroll.

“Sure,” she agreed easily. He turned to her in surprised, noting that she hadn’t pushed for a chick flick. He had picked the last movie they’d watched together so he had assumed she would have wanted more control over this choice.

“Really?” he asked.

“Yeah,” she chuckled, amused by his surprise.

“Is this a trap?” he questioned her. “Wait a minute, what did you just post?” he asked, assuming she was letting him win this battle in preparation for something bigger.

“Just a video,” she smirked. 

“The one with Shia?” he asked knowingly. She nodded and he rolled his eyes, opening his laptop once more and logging onto Twitter.

“What are you doing?” she laughed.

“Best day ever?” he asked with a mocking tone, his eyes scanning her recent tweet.

“Uh huh,” she teased. 

“Because you met the man of your dreams?” he continued.

“Yup,” she giggled, walking towards him and plopping down next to him on the bed. 

“Well then…” he began to type quickly, a proud look on his face. Selena let out a loud laugh and let her head fall to his shoulder. 

“Seriously?” she asked. He turned his head towards her own  and spoke with false seriousness. 

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