Sibling Love.

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A/N: This isn’t Jelena, though. It’s just a short drabble between Justin and his baby sister Jazzy :)

Justin’s tired and empty eyes scanned the area he was walking in. He mentally sighed to his self. Coming home is not really his intention but he missed his family back home. He felt tired and weak, almost sick. He had been traveling around the world, promoting his new single, and must have caught a bug.

As he continued with his thoughts, he went on his way, ducking his head down to avoid the blinding flashes of lights from the paparazzi.

With ease, he gently turned the knob to the front door open and peeked in. There he saw her, drinking out of a Caprisun juice pouch. His eyes widened, he wan’t expexcting her to look so big, “Jazzy.”

The girl stopped she was doing and stared at him nonchalantly. With her hazel brown eyes and pale complexion, she’s a perfect copy of Justin. She blinked, batting her long lashes at him. She placed the juice on the table and faced him.

Justin grinned and crouched down to her level, “Hi sis.”

“Justin!” She practically screamed at her older brother, running up to him and hugging him tight.

“Jazzy, I missed you,” he cooed to her like a baby. She smiled, he’s always like this. He was like her own father. And he loves her. He hugged back and stroked her back in a loving manner.

“I missed you too.” She said, pulling back and holding up her right hand, “Look-it.”

Justin took her hand in his and looked at her fingers. She had a purple, plastic ring on her fourth finger. He smiled and sniffed, “Pretty.”

He picked her up and carried her to the couch, setting her on his lap. He was about to say something but his thoughts were interrupted by a coughing fit that had him doubled over himself in seconds.

Wet painful coughs that made Jazmyn wince in sympathy. She started rubbing Justin’s back, trying to sooth him, and she couldn’t help but feel bad for her brother.

“Okay?” Jazmyn said to him once the coughing had subsided.

“Yeah kiddo. I’m fine.” He lied.

The thing that made it worse than the sickness and the fever, than the cough, than the boredom - was that he felt weak and useless at the moment.

“Okay,” The little girl said, moving herself closer to Justin’s side. Justin was beginning to feel better already, just by her presence. He missed this, he missed home.

“I wuv you, Bieber.”

Justin chuckled, “I love you too, kiddo.”

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