NBA Finals

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I stared at her, I couldn’t even pull my eyes away to watch the game. Selena was sitting a seat in front of me at the NBA finals game in Dallas. We had come with some of her family & lil Twist showed up to hang out too. All I wanted was her to sit on my lap but I knew that there were paparazzi everywhere & their cameras were pointed at us, so I didn’t want to do anything she didn’t want to do in front of them. I finally pulled my eyes off of her & focused on the game. The quarter ended & I got up & was going to go get a drink back in the luxury box where there was catering. I reached over & grabbed Selena’s hand, “Babe where are we going?” “I need a drink.” “& I need to come with you? Make sure you don’t get kidnapped.” I glared at her, “No, please just come with me?” “Oh alright.” I helped her climb over the seat & we walked back into the box. The minute I knew we were out of sight of the paps I turned & placed my lips on hers, “Mmm that was good.” She giggled, “but what was that for?” “I couldn’t take it I needed to kiss you.” “Well you are more than welcome to kiss me like that when ever you want.” She always loved when I ran my tongue along her bottom lip when I kissed her & she would say the exact same thing once we broke away, Mmm that was good. I loved her, she always made me seem like I was her favorite kind of food  it cracked me up every time.

            I got my drink & we were headed out of the box back out to the game when she grabbed my arm. “Did I do something wrong?” I was confused, “No why do you say that?” “You just don’t seem like you want to touch me when we sit out there.” I had no idea she was okay with me hugging her or touching her out there, “I didn’t know if you would be okay with it since we know there are paparazzi all over & they are watching us.” “Justin I have decided that I don’t want to hide, I just want to act normal with you & I don’t care what people see.” Those words made my heart melt, she wanted to just be with me, she was okay with kissing me in public more, I couldn’t talk I was so excited. So I grabbed her hand & we walked out to the game. I was getting really into the game when Selena came up & wrapped her arms around my neck & kissed my cheek, I scared the crap out of me, I had no idea she was there. My face was probably priceless. With her arms still around my neck she rested her head on my shoulder. I loved every minute of this. Watching Basketball with my favorite girl & not caring who saw what we were doing.

            It was half time & I walked back & got another drink, when I came back I set the drink in my chair & walked up behind Selena, she turned around I grabbed her shirt & brought her closer to me, “I love you so fucking much okay? Don’t forget it or question it.” She smiled, “I love you to.” I grabbed her & wrapped my arms as tight as I could around her & she wrapped her arms around my neck, it was one of the best hugs ever, I didn’t want to let go ever. Finally we let go & were talking to lil twist about music & just life. He left just before the game started again & me & Selena walked him out of the box. When we got back out to the game I grabbed her hand & twirled her around, She was laughing & smiling & she didn’t have a care in the world. I loved that look on her & I never wanted it to leave. The game ended & Dallas won so we headed back to Selena’s house for an after game party. Before we headed in to her house I grabbed her & pushed her up against the car & kissed her hard running my tongue along her bottom lip & sure enough I pulled away & she says “Mmm that was good.” & we busted up laughing.

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