This Love is Ours.

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Justin’s POV (Point of View)

I walked into the house with my sweatshirt hung over my shoulder. I slowly ran my fingers through my hair, feeling slightly dizzy. I subconsciously locked the door to my chrome Fisker Karma – a birthday gift from Scooter. I instinctively closed the door and threw my keys into the bowl on the small shoe-rack next to it.

I looked around to see if Selena was anywhere in the room, since she had asked me to come over. I was quite surprised to hear a masculine voice coming from the living room and it was vaguely familiar.

“Yeah, it was priceless. It was definitely worth it,” Zayn’s voice laughed, my head snapped up and I saw him lounging on the love seat, Selena sitting on the recliner, laughing with each other hysterically. Selena never laughed like that except with me and her family. I immediately paled. My stomach felt nauseous but I put a smile on when she looked over at me.

“Oh, hey Justin. Zayn just came over to pick up some of the stuff the other guys left here last week,” she chuckled and looked over at him and winked, “then we…got… uh… talking,” she laughed again and he joined in.

My heart lurched, what the hell did that mean? The room took on an uncomfortable, awkward silence when I nodded, not sure of what my face expressed to them. I just froze there, like a deer in front of headlights approaching.

He stood and looked over at Selena with a smile. I watched as he reached over to her and brushed his lips across her cheek, stayed there a little longer than necessary as if it was the most natural thing for him to do. Touching her arm with his hand, he said in a sultry voice,

“It was nice seeing you again, Sel.”

“You too,” she said smiling back at him warmly. It may have just been my imagination, but I’m sure they had an unspoken conversation when their eyes met. My heart plunged further into my chest feeling even heavier.

He walked towards me, smiling, almost smirking as if he’d accomplished something. Why the hell was he coming over to me again? Oh, right the door. And I’m in front of it. I moved a little to the side and looked at him, putting on a fake smile and nodded slightly.

“It was nice seeing you too, Justin.”

I almost rolled my eyes. I recalled the last time he was here. It was about a week ago, Selena invited the guys over for a pool party, along with a bunch of people she went on tour with, to get to know them better. I noticed how he tried to stare at her when I wasn’t looking. Or at least when he thought I wasn’t looking.

“Hmm,” I answered as he opened the door and slipped out, like the most natural thing in the world for him to do. Like him visiting my girlfriend when I wasn’t there was a-okay.

“So, how was your day?” Selena asked, sliding back into her seat with a sigh.

My mind flew, all my doubts, worries and uncertainties bombarding my head with questions, why was she so happy and excited that he was here? Did she like him? I reran their kiss in my mind; a subtle peck on the cheek, my mind ran on over drive, what if she wanted him, like he seemed to want her? I could never compete with him. I couldn’t and I wouldn’t.

“Justin, are you okay?” Her worried voice broke my disconcerting reverie, I still hadn’t answered her question but I asked a question on my before my mind could think of the implications it arose.

“What was Zayn doing here?” My tone was almost accusing.

“What?” she stood up, facing me, “I told you, he came to get some things.”

“How long ago?” My voice was certainly coarse now, “How long has it been since he got here?” I knew I was jealous. I knew it was wrong for me to take it out on Selena. I goddamn knew that.

She tilted her head to the side and narrowed her eyes slightly, “What’s this one about, Justin?”

“Nothing,” I answered too quickly, tearing my eyes away from her form, I ran my fingers through my hair again, “I was just wondering if there was a reason why he was in your house when I’m not here to get things that someone else could have given him, someone who isn’t constantly trying to hit on you, even though you’re taken. Your mom could have brought the things to him. Or Brian, or Alfredo, or Ashley. Heck, even me. He doesn’t need to be coming over here with you alone.”

She was silent, probably thinking of the things I was implying, she knew I thought she liked Zayn, he liked her too. I looked back at her and her posture was almost identical to mine, we both stood across the room from each other, arms folded staring at each other fighting a battle no one wanted to win.

“Why don’t you just say what you’re thinking?” She demanded harshly.

My eyes widened.

“And what do you think I’m implying, Selena? Why don’t you tell me what I should think when I interrupt you on two on our date in the afternoon for lunch, letting him think that I was the one interrupting the date and then hours later walk in on you again, alone in here?” I said, my tone getting louder. 

“I’m not cheating on you if that’s what you mean.” Her voice was low, head cocked and her eyes were furious as if ordering me to understand whatshe had said.

“That thought never even crossed my mind.” I said numbly, I dropped my hands and looked down at the floor.

Was she cheating on me? I never even brought that subject up, she did. It never occurred to me that my girlfriend could be cheating on me with Zayn. 

“I um…I think I’m just gonna…um,” I didn’t know what to say.

What in the world was I supposed to say to that? I moved slowly to the kitchen door, feeling suddenly dizzy as my stomach lurched again. 

And then I heard her voice, “You know I would never do anything like that to you, right?” Selena called out. I stopped and looked back at her.

“Justin, I love you. I love you to the point of obsession. Never doubt that,” She continued, a few tears trailed down her cheeks. I walked closer to her and pulled her into a hug, I couldn’t stand to see her crying. 

“Your mine, Selena. I love you too. To the point of insanity, I’m completely captivated by you, you have me wrapped around your finger…” I whispered while pulling her closer.

“I’m sorry, Justin.” She murmered, her soft tears turning into sobs.

“Don’t apologize, baby.” I kissed her head, “I’m the one who should be sorry. I shouldn’t have been so jealous. I trust you, baby, I trust you.” I said sincerely, nuzzling her neck.

I pulled back to look at her and she joined our lips together. I heard her sigh into my mouth when my arms came around her lower waist. This is love, and this love is ours.

“If me and my girlfriend were fighting, and it got to the point where she started crying, I would just shut up and hold her.” - Justin Bieber

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